
Everquest anyone?

Codes are not reducing price enough... wanted to get cables and 4 port charger- total came to $51.98 with codes applied before tax. Shouldn’t it be $44?

Codes are not reducing price enough... wanted to get cables and 4 port charger- total came to $51.98 with codes

What I find incredible about this is that if we take Trump seriously for a quick minute, he is a real estate developer, which would make a significant part of his business leasing out the property he developed. The fact he pads the leases with dup pages to make them look bigger and more substantial makes even the

Just to add to your nightmare material.... that’s also his poo-face.... though I expected it to look a lot more constipated..

Check out Verizon’s deal- $650 credit toward any iPhone 7 for your iPhone 6 or better trade in. You gotta pay the sales tax, which is normal, but it’s pretty damn close to a free phone.

Look at Verizon, they’ll pay up to $300 for any remainder of your contract if you switch-

True, true... I was more commenting on the comedy fact that such super cars probably can’t run the wipers without it affecting mpg, much less attempt a ramp.... More of an inconvenience at that moneyed level....

Not to mention, it probably burned through about 12 gal of fuel trying to get up the ramp....

And this appearance was right after the San Bernadino shooting (to discuss the shooting too, I believe)! All class...

Winner of the most apropos gif of the year! Thank you for this haha...

Short answer for a Presidential election ... You register a party affiliation for the primaries- i.e. Who you will vote for as that parties nominee to run in the general (main) election. Regardless of whom or how you vote in the primary election you can vote how ever you like in the general.

Same here... It was bearable that they were starchy republicans before- we had and unspoken mutual agreement not to debate politics, but we could lobb a few softballs at eachother without things getting out of hand. Now that several are Trump supporters, I can’t help openly questioning their morals, conscience and

Yeah forget teaching the secrets of real estate riches when they reopen TrumpU, he could make thousands teaching how they got a soldiers mother to lie with the same ease as a GOP politician or wanna be billionaire...

Sophia Coppala’s movies are wonderful and I feel, often underrated

So I read your comment re. Colton Haynes....

As bad as I feel for stereotyping.... This dude is sooo gay. I mean, I have a couple hetero male friends that could be described as effeminate, but spend a few minutes with them and you’d be certain they aren’t gay.. This guy? So gay and great advertising for exposing such therapy as the sham it is. Come-on make it

Not sure, but I’d hazard a guess it might go well with the Magnums.

I never played Warcraft, and didn’t play WoW past a Lvl 20 char (long time EQ/EQ2 player here), so I don’t know of, or have a connection to any of the major characters that some of the other commenters seem to have. But thanks to a previous employer I got to see parts of a very rough cut of this (vfx very rough ) some

I get what Wilmore was attempting and I love irrevent humor, but he was so not funny.... “This is what is sounds like when jokes flop”......

I was basically thinking the same... the ext. looks like a vehicle from WW2, but when I saw the interior-wow.... looks like it’s from a HALO’esque or J Cameron era Aliens drop ship. Strange dichotomy....