
PrimaLoft?... whew! I was picturing my drink being chilled by floating cubes of musky Yak butter.... then my mind wandered to images of how Yak butter is sourced- several sets of cold, muddy, clammy Yak teats being yanked, my Yak grunting ( http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_sound_does_a_yak_make ) furiously letting me

Ok, I'll date myself here, but I can remember shopping for my first laptop and having to decide on the extra expense for an "active matrix" screen over a "passive" one. And later, having to explain to my boss why a "single twisted nematic" (possible spelling error) screen was gonna suck when he wanted to show his

Gotta love the way Amazon tries to maximize the mask's features-

edit- triple posted

edit: wow- quad posted... sorry

edit- triple posted

Yes, I love watches and for some of the reason you do- the pure aesthetic of having a piece of precise machinery on my body. My current favorite is my Breitling B-1 Chrono. Chunky and complicated looking- not an automatic (which you need to stop worrying about batteries), but it has two digital readouts for the chrono

I've done a few (and what I've received so far have been as good or better than I expected), starting with the TikTok Watch bands for the ipod nano- These guys are a totally legit design house that have done work for Nike and Microsoft Xbox. Just got my recoil winders and am waiting on the Elevation dock and LunaTik

With "disappeared into obscurity" in the title, I knew I could stop reading right where Jamie writes "AOL acquired the company".... :P I found this very interesting since I've run across WinAMP to download from time to time and have wondered why it didn't continue to dominate. It really was the Best and maybe only MP3

"peel of shots" = off shots

Ouch.. would be more impressive if you could tuck in your back pocket too... sure would surprise the pick pocketer to learn you were a peter pocketeer... ;P

then I'd stick with Filmic if that's what you know. With the ability to set compression levels, it's pretty sweet for a phone app. I just downloaded CiniPro but have yet to see if there is a serious difference in quality. I doubt there will be...

Your 'wallet'? I've heard it called many things, but a 'wallet' is the strangest.....

Not sure about quality, but it beats Filmic on price and filters.

But it wasn't until ole toothless Benji began by licking your toes and working his way up, did you realize you weren't the only one in the house he was servicing for a lil peanut butter.....

Well, since Apple will probably sell the shit out of this model, the devs will be updating theirs apps pronto. And it's much more worthwhile to do than in Windows or fragmented environments like Android. Plus, since most apps will be sold through the Mac app store, all Apple has to do is require devs offer a high res

Wait, without all those things then what the hell is Facebook for?! Anyone that I wouldn't call or get a call from about such things as birthdays, engagements, jobs, school acceptances, etc. are EXACTLY the people I need Facebook for. Ok, maybe workouts deserve to be on your list...

In an unrelated story, the number of American women scheduling caesarian births before they even pregnant has jumped to historic levels....

I love the cornea projecting idea! Sorta like those cyborg contact lenses Giz posted on about a year ago. Actually, this makes a ton of sense- it seems like the only way Stark could get such depth and 3D in theHUD graphics.

Yeah, when they show the HUD from the backside, like a mirrored reverse, it does give that perspective.