
god... I can only imagine the stove pipe of stench coming up though the neck hole. So warm and humid you can probably taste it.... /barf

This is only because I've seen this happen more than a few times.... When the kid can walk up to his mother and ask for boob using words, THEN it should be illegal...

I wonder how landing on the helipad of a yacht/super-yacht compares.

hmmm, yes... thank you for the honest description... lol...

I'm really hoping 3.1 gets released for my Acer Iconia A500 in the next couple weeks, otherwise I'll have to return it (only have 45 days). IMO, Honeycomb at the moment is too much a work in progress with not enough app support to warrant one as a second tablet (yeah I know, dump my iPad and problem sovled, but not

wow... that's amazing!

oh man.. what movie is that from.. goin nuts trying to remember.. the 'something' in me wants you to...... but the 'something else' in me hopes you never......

bleh...vomit..... the warning from the female doc ruined any last remaining thoughts that g-strings could be sexy.

Even though I've had to meet at client at a SBux on a few occasions, I totally agree with you on the mis-assumption that they make good alternatives to the library or office and maybe I didn't clarify that in what I left in my OP.

Somehow I think the "Drink" button technology isn't going to trickle down to the consumer market....

I can see where it would be easy to feel like people should keep the volume down now that coffee shops (thinking more of Starbucks and their ilk) have become an extension of offices or study areas for some people. But, it's not that kind of space to all customers. Some, like me are just there to get coffee and check

F'n mall cops! I got busted last month for roughly the same thing so I feel your pain Deandre.... Thankfully my skateboard ride through the mall while swinging my 7in "fantasy sword" only resulted in an indecency charge....

Don't forget Arizona politicians. Her survival is truly amazing.

haha! I suppose that works too, but for some reason Williams' routine on the creation of golf popped in my head as I was writing the first sentence.

I just love the combination of his accent and the subject matter... it makes his devious/evil smile seem even more deviouser/evilerer....

Doesn't excessive heat in the 'crotchular' region kill tha lil swimmers? Or at least make em say (in my best Robin Williams-esque Scotch accent) "Foockit, eeeats tue haht! Ahm noett goin ayeny where...!"

Yes, those are the things I'm not 100% clear on either. For some reason I think I've read somewhere that it could be chancy to upgrade a jailbreak using different "hacks" (like using this new redsn0w when I originally jailbroke with greenpois0n)

I don't get it... is this supposed to be practice dodging rpg's? If so... then awesome!

Have you looked a PKGBackup? I have been backing up with it and it claims to be able to restore an iOS device with most settings, software, apps, etc. intact, BUT I havent actually done a restore yet. Been waiting to see how the OS updates and untethered JB's would shake out. Looks like I may upgrade soon so I really