Taylor Vernarsky

Considering he has pretty much been a comedic character since the show began, it was nice to see him in a more serious light when he gave the special bulletin about the flu vaccine and the existence of zombies. It just goes to show the gravity of the situation that even he, a newly turned zombie himself, is affected

A zombie Ravi with bleach-blonde hair and a bleach-blonde beard to match? Who wouldn't want to see that?

Ravi has been the best ever since the show began, aside from early this season when he was more or less a dick. In a way, he's what people should aspire to be like. Here are some examples:

1) Most likely, Mr. Boss will continue working for Blaine until he decides to become a zombie himself. From there, it will be a civil war between Mr. Boss and Blaine.

Agreed. Last episode, I posed the question as to what male character had the worst luck when it came to romance? Major or Ravi? For a while, it seemed like they were neck and neck. But after this episode, I have to say Major takes the cake in that department.

"I'll call you later?"
"Please don't."

I'm just glad that god-awful Peyton/Blaine storyline is over with. I feel like having her be Baracus' Chief of Staff would be a good way to really showcase the character going into the next season as something than an object for men to compete over.

I feel as though the show missed out on what could've been a funny scene with this episode. I would've enjoyed seeing Peyton discovering Liv was having sexual visions of Ravi. I know it's not necessarily the same thing as sleeping with Ravi, but I would've love to see her reaction to the idea of her best friend having

You're right. It is pretty tragic for a character like her to die in such a way. She deserved better.

Ravi said it best way back when: "I'm a tall doctor with fantastic hair and a British accent."

It just goes to show that Ravi is no one to mess with when his back is against the wall.

You may be right now that I consider that. Also, this is the first part of a two-part season finale, and Katty being killed would make sense for the overall story arc.

It's most likely going to be another woman from Ravi's past. It won't be Katty because Liv already knew about Ravi hooking up with his former boss. It won't be Rachael because it didn't seem like whatever relationship that was developing between them had progressed to the point where they slept together. It certainly

I was almost certain that he was going to get killed off last week. I mean, wasn't that Blaine's goal since day one? To pretty much "Scarface" it, kill his employer and go from common drug dealer to criminal kingpin? I can't help but wonder if Blaine is really that stupid to think Mr. Boss will willingly work for him

You're right. Overall, she has had the absolute worst luck when it came to romance. I can only imagine her relationship with Justin ending badly. Maybe it will turn out he was the one who killed the zombie family per Chase Graves' orders.

It wouldn't surprise me if he does become a zombie again. After all, it seems things have gotten worse for him now that Seattle thinks he's trying to profit off of his infamy. The end of the episode suggests that the only place he truly feels accepted at is Fillmore Graves.

Even though Ravi was painted in a really bad light this week, I think I can understand why he's acted the way he has so far this season. If there is one feeling worse than the one you love not loving you back, it's the idea that you're essentially a consolation prize. What I mean by that is that the only reason why