Also this.
Also this.
I’m a Niners fan (thank you for your condolences) and I hate most of Seattle and their fans but I will not stand by for any bashing of Lynch. He’s forever the best. If not for his amazing playing abilities and his hatred of the media than for this.
Well, at least I laughed at “again”.
Whoa now let’s leave Russell Wilson out of this
It must be great to pick up a hefty paycheck to be an eternal 14 year old.
I love Pats fans. Their arguments are amazing.
This was exactly the tantrum reaction we all knew was coming. The most Simmons-y thing Simmons could’ve done.
It was not legal,
Let’s nip this one in the bud: filming opposing teams’ sidelines was only legal from designated areas in the stadium, and the Patriots’ tapes were filmed from outside those areas. So argue over how big a violation it was, but it was technically illegal the whole time.
The bombshell doesn’t exactly make Goodell look good here.
So the league gets stomped in court, then all of a sudden a “bombshell” report from the same media outlet that leaked completely fabricated information shows up 5 days later? Seems like pretty good timing.
The butthurt Pats fans are out in force today! "There's nothing new in here!" "It was legal!" "ESPN are liars!"
Packers fans are secretly the St. Louis Cardinals fans of football.
Or, according to the letter at the top of this post, very openly racist.
I am Scott - 3rd reader letter down the list.
I love how I-70 (which is what you take to get away from Indianapolis and it’s insane drivers and head towards a better city like Dayton or Columbus) is covered in these billboards, possible the most Indiana thing ever.
The Colts’ fanbase is full of sanctimonious, Velveeta-addled turds, BUT I’ll take them any day of the week over Patriots’ fans. Maybe it doesn’t matter, because we’re in the lower bowels of hell here. To review: Colts > Patriots > Tebowites > Roger Goodell.
Legal Counsel: That’s not what they mean when they call you a blowhard.