empty sea

You sound weird and gross.

I love this show so fucking much and I love Julia Louis Dreyfus so fucking much <3 <3 <3

I love how prepared she is. I’m sure a lot of it is because she herself is very smart and puts in a lot of work, but I’m also certain a lot has to do with having a great staff. Nobody can know everything about everything, but you can surround yourself with good people.

Do you live in New Zealand? Is there an actual reason why you care or are you just being a dick?

Cool story bro

I dunno, I’m all for shitting on wealthy pampered kids. It’s fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

They’re definitely complicit in this whole thing.

That guy in the background of that video is such a dweeb. Just take your photo and own it. He looks even dumber trying to play it off.

LOL no, it’s not an unmarried person’s job to keep a married person from cheating.

Ohhh whoa that’s even weirder! I thought that chart meant his sister was Clay Aiken’s mom.

LOL out of nowhere? Maybe if you’ve been living under a rock forever. It’s always been made fun of as a sub-par alternative for rich brats. 

They weren’t on any kind of scholarship, athletic, academic, or otherwise. 

Woah, he’s Clay Aiken’s uncle??


I want Warren/Inslee.

Yeah, if you look at it at a macro level, like some dumb freshman who has taken Econ 101 and nothing else, sure; great idea. But if you actually realize that you’re talking about real people with real lives and real families to support, it gets a lot more complicated quickly.

Warren’s rolling out policy after policy. It’s not too early for that.

Not “USC’s official yacht” but “USC official’s yacht.” That caught me up too.

LOL control her financially? Look how many brand partnerships she has (had?). She has, like, 2m YouTube subscribers and Instagram followers. She was making her own money.

I had never heard of this girl until yesterday, but when I did I totally went down a rabbit hole. Including, I’m ashamed to admit, watching many of her YouTube videos. But you know what? I watched a couple right before bed and I had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a loooong time. She’s so shallow and vapid that it