empty sea

Stationery. With an e. Come on, AOC can spell it right, you can too.

Okay, but really, you probably could have your wallet out and ready to go.

I mean, ten years ago these authors were literal children. Probably in, like, fifth grade.

Do you even know what the rest of that idiom is? A few bad apples spoil the bunch. The whole point is that bad apples aren’t acceptable.

I wish that had been, like, the first two sentences of this essay.

I gotta say, all those things seem like really normal college roommate issues. I think you got off fairly lucky.

I don’t like that they very strongly guide you into entering the medication you’re taking. I don’t need my phone and app creators knowing that and potentially selling that information.

No way am I filling my camera roll with a bunch of useless pictures of a pill bottle. Not everything needs a new, disruptive solution. Just use a pill organizer, jfc.

Now, everyone looks fishy.

Thank you, Comment Police!

I’ve always thought her (Alison Roman’s) recipes were very close to being good, but slightly off the mark. Particularly #TheStew.

“In the movie, Louis (Brad Pitt) is telling his story to a man who I think is a reporter (Christian Bale), in a hotel room in San Francisco. There is Claudia, a baby vampire turned by Lestat (Tom Cruise), a nasty, sensual, and purportedly attractive little thing, who spends most of the film attempting to nail the

It’s not her fault she’s so short. Other than her height, I really don’t think she looks young or childish.

They didn’t file for the going out of business kind of bankruptcy but rather the restructure their debt kind, but nice lazy reporting!

Congratulations, you have discovered spring.

Open floor plans are for people who don’t read and don’t like art (except probably Live Love Laugh decals in the bathroom). Where am I supposed to put my bookshelves and hang my art without walls??

Watching this batshit crazy group of people was so exactly the distraction I needed. How can it be that everyone involved is so strange and so ugly??

You hear that, Bob? Some rando on the internet doesn’t like the way you type!

Oh ffs, Leo doesn’t need you to defend him.

Yep, came here to say this. What a terrible opening paragraph. This piece could have really used an editor.