Taylor Huston

I'm not opposed to Juliet being evil on principle. On paper it's a super interesting arc, a really powerful villain that could challenge Nick both physically and emotionally.

It COULD have been great, she could have been the big bad for the next season. But they needed to plant the seeds earlier, or make it so she was possessed, or something. She's been a boring but good (morally) character all show, now she's trying to murder her husband and Jedi-crushing people's brains like it's

Katrina COULD have been a great villain. But they would have needed to plant the seeds for that much earlier…or like make her be possessed or something. Her swap from good with to "I'm willing to kill my husband with a floating knife" full on darkside over 'grief' was rushed and sloppy and killed it for me.

Lol right. He just serves as a convenient plot point in one episode and then what, goes and builds a little house in the woods and retires?

Not buying Katrina's full darkside turn. I mean, I know they've kinda sorta been planting the seeds for it, but it all seemed so sloppy and rushed at best. She's never been my favorite character, but nothing about her through the first 80% of the show nothing made me think that she would be 'evil'. Boring. But not

Really the problem is it felt like it didn't have a reason to be a thing.

I'm not. If they have to put it online to get away with it being a little on the 'dark' side, I am okay with that. I feel like it would almost be a better fit on Adult Swim than Nick at this point, and I am okay with that.