
People are really bad with understanding science :(

Yeah it was actually the most tested vaccine in history. We have fallen a long ways after people pounding on doors to get their kids the vaccine for polio

This “the vaccine was a rush job” shit is so tired. The vaccine is almost 20 years old. It was originally developed back in 2007 for SARS, which came out of China in 2002 (called SARS-CoV-1, if that sounds familiar, COVID is SARS-CoV-2). Since contagious people were symptomatic, it was easier to quarantine people at

1) Tucker is a White Supremist, I wonder if they talked about that. 

It’s a motel. While other long-term residents might know the score, it only takes one temporary resident who might honestly have been concerned. Demonizing that person is no better than harshly judging a young mother who is between a rock and a hard place.

“Welp, your mom had to leave you in a motel room for 8 hours so she could feed you. Now we’re going to stick her in a cage until she goes to court because she can’t afford bail. Where you kids stayin’ for the next couple weeks?”

I really didn’t think I’d see a dead body today

I know Van Jones from back in the day when he was trying to make a name for himself in San Francisco politics; he wadn’t about nothin’ then, and I see not much has really changed.

I mean from attending Trump events at the White House, to selfies with Candace Owens and Eric Trump Van has had some splainin to do. Thank you Sunny for doing the Lord’s work. Those tears on CNN when Biden was called the winner were as fake as Lauren Boebert’s GED, Rudy Giuliani’s bottom teeth and Donald Trump’s

It’s like he showed up at the cookout, stood at the backyard gate waiting for somebody to let him In and he heard someone yell, “Who? Child, I ain’t studdin’ that triflin’ n****. Give his ass a plate and send his ass on back home. And don’t put none of that banana puddin’ on there either!”

She is certainly no Valkyrie

...because, while I’m sure her milkshake brings all the Proud Boys to the doublewide, no self-respecting Black man should stick his dick in the putrid vat of redneck sweat and discarded potato salad raisins that are her nether regions.

And the trolls out in force with the same “She wasn’t asleep” talking point, as if that makes any difference.

Please do not let the racist shithead adolescentjourno out of the grays. He’s shit, he’s a liar and he’s racist as fuck.

Or, you can get YOUR facts straight...

I like the part where Black people are no longer allowed to even ATTEMPT to defend their homes, their lives or their property.

The Root -100, where they count from 0 to -100 on the worst of the worst. We know Herman Cain’s ghost is -99 (only beaten by Clarence Thomas at -100) but where will Candace Owen or Larry Elder rank? 

Best Shuck and/or Jive

I say we revive Chappelle’s Racial Draft and we debate who gets to stay Black, and who is an excommunicated self-hating Sammy Sosa. “Awards” shall be given like the Razzies in categories such as: