
Honestly who the fuck is Demi’s sponsor or recovery team? Because they are just making announcements and big changes and revelations all over the place and all signs point to relapse. If Demi is non-binary and finds happiness in finally understanding their gender, then I am happy for them, but with everything else

Unlike many commenters here, I typically have patience with the Kardashian family. They just don’t get under my skin much. But this shit is beyond the pale to me for some reason. I guess I hit my cap. The idea of a 37 yo woman hopping on Instagram live to “prove” her body actually looks a certain way is INSANE to me.

From one POC to another:

“That night, I saw a woman placed on a throne without a kingdom while no one watched.”

This article is more beautiful than its subject.

Growing up, I thought Tyra Banks was fun, silly, and grounded. As I got older, I feel like she’s actually narcissistic, eager to be a victim (in the, “Omg, I can relate, I wore a fat suit for two hours” kind of way) and delusional. Like, does she even know what she’s talking about right now? Does she?

We’re a white family that had plenty of money (my parents acted like we didn’t) and this was a white community in a mostly white Midwestern state.

I would love to read an article or something you write about this experience. I find myself knee-jerk disagreeing with that last sentiment, but as a black woman (assuming you’re not black, but open to being told otherwise, of course) the circumstance are different. I find that white people expect me to be aggressive,

Not a good one.

ugh, the keto diet. tell me again why bananas are bad for me and pepperoni is fine

Hot Take: Christmas music is generally terrible.

I HAVE MANY IDEAS. Demote Katie Maloney, stop pretending the original cast work at SUR, and have two timelines. One is the young up-and-comers working at SUR and being sloppy. The other is old cast members buying ugly million dollar farmhouses, facing the havoc they’ve wreaked on their bodies while attempting to get

As a survivor, I can safely say that Mariska Hargitay and Raul Esparza have more than once saved me from losing myself in the darkness of the aftermath of my assault. I will never not be grateful to the writers for this: “whether you’re a john in the South Bronx or a $3-million-a-year talk show host, no means no.”

We did fight a war over some taxes.  It was a while ago, but there's still a lot of us that don't particularly care to hand over our wages to people that are going to grossly misappropriate them in order to enrich their friends and campaign contributors.

I am local too. FB was (and still is) a cesspool of angry white women hell bent on seeing justice for a baby they wouldn’t give two shits about if it had lived.  No one cares about the facts, if there is a dead baby (fetus) then someone else must die too.  

Charles Manson didn’t kill anybody either and he spent the majority of his life in jail. Why is that?

Fifteen months is too short. 

did she really get all of the filler out cuz they still look a little plumper than they did pre lip filler.  ??  

I followed the Dr. Miami Snapchat for a while because it is genuinely interesting to see what these surgeries and procedures look like in real time. I’ll say this: while he was light hearted and joking in a lot of ways, he also would always redirect back to actual education and professional explanations of things.

wankfest male privilege masturbatory bullshit of a movie.