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The "Green Version"* remains the creepiest. I think the Red/Blue one sounds more sad to me.

It is just a reminder of why I liked the old Square. The cohesive art design and world building, re-playability and fun factor, and likeable characters. These are all elements that made older Square titles so timeless to me. I have not played the hand held Kingdom Hearts games (I am looking forward to the version of

It was packed with content, and it had great DLC characters. All of this talk about Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed is making me want a new installment in the series. Im honestly probably done with Mario Kart now, excuse me while I go re-download Sonic & All Star Racing Transformed on PC and buy it for my friends

I tried to play it on my phone. But I ended up getting totally lost in like the fifth dungeon (a crazy tower area), because I went too many days between sessions, and now I keep running around in circles lol. It is a fantastic game from what I've seen of it so far though.

SSR transformed is a brilliant game but I would say the skill gap in the game is harsh and it becomes an issue when you have casual gamer friends. It becomes less enjoyable for them when one person is constantly winning. With mario kart you never really get that unless someone is snaking lol. Crash team racing

Funny you guys gave a big fat No to the Sonic Race game which was honestly really good, and MK8 seems to borrow quite a lot from that title.

Yeah Racing Transformed was such a great kart racer and the single player stuff was really fun to boot.

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Bravely Default's music is great. But the YS I&II soundtrack is still the ridiculous guitar video game music I bow down to.

That was some Power of Illusion they used to make the game look like it was really good.

Seriously can't wait for Mighty No. 9! >w<

It's pretty unfortunate. The remote play function was one of the ones that really sold me on a PS4. If it doesn't work well, maybe I can hold of on my purchase.


You missing a Link is a bit amusing in context.

[it's linked in the article. in fact, the link goes to the Xbox site. you can buy it there, unless you were just hoping that your generalized "jaded" sentiment would get you a bunch of high fives and maybe a brief ride in a litter.]

How is a fan made game supposed to have an air of innocence or a memorable soundtrack?

It isn't "both games", Burst is a single game. Like a Street Fighter 2 Turbo to the first one. It's just the first game with a redone gameplay engine and stories for the Hebi girls, which continues the plot. I don't know where people got the idea it was two games in one.