
The 3DS is doing really well. I'm pretty sure that Animal Crossing and Pokemon, to say nothing of A Link to the Past 2, will have no problem moving units of the already very, very successful device.

Didn't Operation Rainfall clarify that this was sent out by Nintendo UK as a discussion point, and not an actual release? Like, within an hour of posting it?

Huh. Ummm... What to say...

This specific design and world has been around since at least Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions in 2011. There was a teaser in the game for the new design, then Bamco went quiet for a while.

Gotta mention King's Quest. I just wish I could find some decent resolution screenshots. :(

:Article features comic which satires elitists of both PC gaming and gaming criticism.

Well, developers continued to make high-profile PS2 games for about three years after the PS3 released. It isn't unreasonable to assume that the PS3 will continue to see developer and consumer support for a few more years at the least. Doubly so if Microsoft doesn't immediately drop support for the 360 with the Xbox 3

I can't really empathize with the idea that the releases need to be spaced out, because they have all already been released on Wii's VC. I really feel like we should already have access to everything the Wii had, on the Wii U, and then moving forward, we should get the first-party games we have yet to get, such as

Good. Give Peter Moore more responsibilities. He's the guy that should be running EA if they really want to move forward smoothly.

I get a serious "Fez" vibe from it too, but it initially made me think of Sonic.

What's going on here exactly? Did someone get Sonic and Mario mixed up again?

This is kind of how I feel. I mean, yeah, he comes off as a total dick, but have you played Fez? That game is absolutely amazing. I don't feel like the value of a product should be determined by the character of its creator.

Thanks for your well-researched response! It amazes me at how hard Kotaku always tries to get news and discussion moving, yet they never seem to take a look at why things are a certain way. They just want to point out that they are.

This is probably my favorite quote by anyone ever, and it's an idea I've lived by since before I knew someone had put it in words.

It gets really bad after the time-skip.

You know it's bad when one of your primary first-party exclusives is obtrusive advertising, even for your paid subscribers!

They were still supporting it, last I checked. There have been several Neo-Geo releases at least, in the past few months. Though it's possible that has ended. At the very least, Nintendo hasn't released a first-party title on the service in over half a year.

Isn't the inclusion of some sort of action one of the primary differences that separated RPGs from Adventure games in the 80s? Both are born of the same cloth, the "tabletop adventure game", however Adventure games typically focus more on the lack of direct action, such as battles, direct avatar input, and numerical

Hopefully they'll include many of the new areas that were used in Four Swords Adventures, which also used A Link to the Past's map.

When do we get a Magical Quest HD game?