
The whole complaint with the Wii (well, one of them) was it's lack of third-party games that appeal to the "core" gamer. Well, damn, you don't get much more "core" than Bayonetta. Nintendo is pulling out their A-Game with the 3DS and WiiU and people are still bitching. What's wrong with Nintendo having great

Pretty much. I mean, I still need to play Bioshock someday, but it's unlikely that any new games that I want to buy on 360 won't also come out on WiiU.

As someone who bought Sony consoles specifically for Kingdom Hearts, that sort of thing would fill my heart with joy. <3

Thanks for being part of the problem.

Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed for WiiU? YES!

Wait. For $50 extra dollars I get 4x the memory AND NintendoLand? Is that right? How in God's green Earth is that a bad deal? Are the commenters just trolling, or what?

"Hey guys, we're making Professor Layton x Phoenix Wright!"

Ah, this made me so happy. It's easy to forget how many games Nintendo made during the Wii's life-span, and just how many of them were actually really great. Despite owning an Xbox 360 a year prior to the Wii, I still clocked in WAY more hours on my Wii. In fact, Smash Bros. Brawl alone saw me logging in over 300

I see no reason to think it won't. Nintendo said they were only doing one run of the game, so it might become even more rare than Metroid within a year or two.

I may not care much for FFXIII, but man, that is some GORGEOUS art.

It was okay. Like Squeak Squad, it was a little too routine, and not many of the hidden areas were hidden very cleverly. The Challenge Stages, on the other hand, were amazingly great. I can't wait for the new levels on Dream Collection.

No, I've known several people that swear by it, but I can't stand it. It looks really great, but I hate, hate, HATE the way the game controls or "feels". Every time I try to play it, I can get through 1-2 levels before I turn the game off in disgust. It's hard to describe.

The ONLY one I do not recognize is the "Yellow Kirby" on the right side. The style is reminiscent of early Kirby artwork, so it would almost have to be from Dream Land, Pinball, or Adventure. Honestly, though, I'm not sure.

If you ever feel like changing that, my suggestions would be Dream Land 2, Super Star, or Mass Attack. All three of those are phenomenal.

I love Namco arcade game so much. These logos make me feel all warm and awesome inside.


My head exploded when I first saw that.

It bothered me that the main theme was playing, so I muted the video and played the Windfall Island theme myself. It's my favorite track from Wind Waker, anyway. :D

Oh, man. This looks great. I hope we get it in the States! A rhythm game with Pokemon tracks? Umm, duh!

I have been meaning to pick that up, I love Wayforward's work. What did you think of it?