
Look in the picture in the main article. You see that huge box that says "Limited Edition"? It comes with both Oracle games, the Strat Guide, a T-Shirt, and decals for GBA and GBC. It's BEAUTIFUL.

I seem to remember seeing this picture elsewhere. I'm fairly certain it was taken before Ocarina of Time 3DS was released. If you notice, he is missing OoT 3D, Skyward Sword, AND the Zelda 3DS. Given everything in the picture, I doubt this person would neglect to own those.

I have the initial release version of every NTSC title. Obviously, it's not as impressive. (I also noticed after I first posted the picture that Link's Awakening DX and Crossbow Training did not make it into the shot)

It's also important to note that the PS3 and 360 are still performing well in sales, at least in terms of ratio to the overall market (system sales overall were down a bit last year). The only systems that suffered last year were the Wii and 3DS, the latter of which was rectified by the price drop.

Not announcing the PS4 because it would distract from Vita hype?

Also, the reason Pokemon is such a great example is that at first glance, the final boss is the only linking factor, but if you take the time to talk to NPCs, they constantly talk about things that happened in the previous game. The second game constantly calls back to the first and many things that happen, especially

The gameplay is different, sure, but the story ties directly into Trigger. Lucca is directly mentioned in the game many times, and the scientists (Belthasar, Melchior, and... that other one) are all just as integral in the plot as they were in Trigger, but these similarities aren't directly told to you until LITERALLY


Well, the length is what makes this an Article and not News. It's an essay on Zelda, so yeah. It's a good length. I mean, if long well-written articles sharing an individual's passionate opinion on games are unable to find a home on a site with a readership as large and diverse as Kotaku, then where could they find a

I played Chrono Trigger for the first time in 2008, and Chrono Cross for the first time in 2011. In the 12-ish years that it was out, I constantly heard people say that Cross was more of a spin-off than a sequel; even this article calls it, "...a sequel in spirit only, keeping some conceptual commonalities and a

Oh my god, I am so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I was beginning to think I'd have to suffer through an endless wealth of people clamoring to call Skyward Sword "Best Zelda/Game Ever". I honestly could not find a single thing to disagree with you on. The first two Zelda games are MAGIC, and we need

Okay, I guess I'll be the asshole this time, so sorry in advance:

^THIS. How does a person "outgrow" Nintendo? I mean, like, I could see maybe losing interest in the types of games they make, but "outgrow"? Really?

You, sir, obviously did not play the sublime masterpiece that was Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Nintendo hasn't fallen. They make the same games they always have with the same level of quality. But their games are not what is popular in the 00s and 10s. It's what was popular in the 80s and especially the 90s. I still love Nintendo as much as I did twenty years ago, because my tastes in gaming, though they've

WOAH. Those are OUR stickers. The table it is on is also CLEARLY the same as the counter-tops we've been setting up in our recent stores. One of the commenters even has the name "gxconline" and claims to have built the POS for it. His information is all accurate, so it probably is him. (GXC = Game-X-Change)

This is such good news. To everybody who likes JRPGs and has a DS, GO BUY IT NOW.

Nah, Play Coins are only good for unlocking things that are in-game. Mii Plaza is the primary use for them, but other games like Nintendogs 3DS use them too.

DKCR is a 2D game...?

Just put Crisis Core and Kingdom Hearts on PSN, and most of us will be just fine with it. I know I will.