Really difficult to believe he was unable to find any female interns. Sorry.
Really difficult to believe he was unable to find any female interns. Sorry.
We're not.
This idea that being misogynist is edgy and risky in any venue is so much hooey. What actually gets you real live death threats? Standing up to misogyny.
She's going to have some really strong front legs by the time she's grown.
Hey, ferberized :) Yeah I'm still figuring out how to navigate around here now too. I miss the hearts system.
So this org's like 99.9999% dudes, right? If you want to have sex without a rubber, just ask your partner if you can and accept her answer either way. Why do you have to start a whole movement over it? Is it just a Christianist thing in disguise trying to get all the college women knocked up and back in the kitchen…
That gif has never worked.
Men can never be objectified like women are because men aren't objectified like women are. Maybe if we buy and trade and rent them out and leverage their ownership among us in female-on-female matriarchal power plays for a couple thousand years and stick them in scold's bridles if they object, then we can start making…
"...why did a gaming blogger risk ruining his career by calling Day a "booth babe"? Because ... the idea that women gamers are "lesser than" is so pervasive within the community."
I've never seen a woman's cleanser or eye cream or moisturizer either. I've just seen those things marketed to women more heavily. It's all the same stuff made for the same purpose.
Women are supposed to fall off the face of the earth when they turn 26. It's the cornerstone of their feminine mystique.
"I think that men's tennis is really ahead of women's tennis at this stage."
Remember a few years ago Sophia Loren did a sexy photo? She's well into senior citizenry. The problem I had with that was it sets an expectation for other women to be super duper sexy our entire lives. That sexiness in women is just sooo damn important you never get a break from it. And Sophia Loren doesn't even look…
Women don't get a free pass for shit. The only ad I've ever seen aimed at men about bad driving, despite their causing more fatal accidents, was the "no one thinks big of you" campaign from Australia. And OH how they squawked about it! All over the world.
Nope, that's about wearing seatbelts.
Do you think the men who are harassing and assaulting women post-revolution are doing it to keep women intimidated from jockeying for power? I don't think men who do it are immediately conscious of it necessarily, but it generally seems like a dominance display.
That's some mighty impressive hand-eye coordination.
I wonder exactly how many accidents are caused by men eating while they drive. They should make a PSA.
Women don't get enough shit about being bad drivers, despite men being just as easily distracted by stupid shit and getting into more serious accidents. They doing one on men who use electric shavers and do their neckties in the car? Or are so intent on making a big display of gawking at the girl in the miniskirt they…