
I’m a big fan of sad white girls with guitars, and this is certainly one of the best sad white girl with guitar albums of the year.

I’ll admit I am an unabashed Chelsea Wolfe fanboy, but a C+? For THIS record?

No. There are dozens of us.

This review is bad and you should feel bad

He looks like a guy who would not only settle for Fop, but prefer it outright.

Not bad, it's so nice to hear Cedric back in his paranoid ATDI mode.

Giving the bulk of the premiere episodes running time to the two most insufferable characters from the web series is an odd choice in my book, though the first segment wasn't bad. I'm hopeful for the rest of the season. I don't know why, but I just find Ben Sinclair so loveable.

Glad to see Muscle and Marrow on here.

Always glad to see her! She was so good in Upstream Color, I'll watch anything she does.
(On an unrelated note, nice avatar! I mean, not NICE, but Made Out of Babies rule!)

I don't know if Blood Meridian quite qualifies as pop-culture, and he's not necessarily Satan exactly, but…the Judge. The Judge wins by a mile.

His solo output is undeniably inconsistent, but he's had some real gems over the years, and I'm pumped as fuck for this.
Sworn Virgins leaked already (Rhapdosy Music fucked up big time), and it's his best solo album since Escorpion. Gonna be an exciting year!

The ending was one of my favorite movie moments in a long time.

God this review was fun to read

The way Tommen's leap was staged was perfect.
He takes off his crown & walks off screen, the camera holds on the empty window just long enough, and then he's up & out, no hesitation. Very boldly shot, I loved it.

I didn't really follow E3, but I did see that INSIDE is finally coming out, and in only a few weeks, no less.
Limbo is one of my favorite games ever, and I couldn't be more excited to see how Playdead follow it up.
The new trailer is one of the most hilariously ambiguous trailers I've ever seen:

This year has been so stacked with great music, I'm having trouble keeping up.
I'm JUST getting my head around the new Sumac and then here's ANOTHER absolutely immense album to digest.
What a time to be alive!

When they played in SLC a few years ago, Gira mentioned living in Moab for a time. I imagine there's a nice symbiosis between this music and that place.

Strong AOTY contender right here. Just an awesome piece of work.

If only I had more than one upvote to give

Gus Spelman, your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.