Tax Religion

Tiny holes.

When Black took control of the car, would he not assume responsibility of the condition the car was in? Wouldn’t it be the same as if you borrowed a car with a busted taillight?

Another question: Why was the 12 pack on top the buggy?

The Ford Streetka has to be in my top five most atrocious-looking cars I’ve ever seen. It should be drawn and quartered, then melted down, and fired into the sun.

I like green. I’ve always liked green.

What a joke! His “Quick Fix” is:

What a joke! His “Quick Fix” is:

I just went to the site crashed, twice.

Does it come with Brembos?

To be fair to the Saints fans, if that call would’ve happened to any other team, it would’ve gotten the same reaction.

You misspelled “accurate”. I normally wouldn’t bring it up, but it seemed funny for obvious reasons.

He should get any car with stereo that can play an audio-book teaching him that he’s a grown man who shouldn’t worry about other supposed grown men think of him.

1st Gear: Give your cars actual NAMES, not initials.

If there isn’t much food in your fridge/freezer, you really should unplug it. When power starts cutting in and out, it could destroy the electrical components inside. The same goes for air conditioners. Also, as someone from Louisiana who’s been through my share of hurricanes, stock up on insect repellent. Mosquitos

citation needed

Dude just walked outside, with the bears, zero fox given!

So, what’s the deal with the picture? What are those dots between the road lines?

Are there people who leave the shell and heads ON when making a gumbo? I live in south Louisiana, and I’ve never seen anyone do that.

I doubt he wasn’t invited in, most cars I can think of, automatically lock the doors when put into gear.