
There are always options.

Now, now....The best, most fantastic administration this country has ever had says it was just one teensy clerical error and now it’s fixed and you’re spreading FAKE NEWS! after the bestest POTUS in the universe generously gave you a YUGE TAX CUT so stop LYING! SO DISHONEST! WALL!

This is being driven by the usual forces - AIPAC (and its lackeys) and Israeli hawks. Tragic how much influence they have over our policies. Iran is complying and if we go back on this, we kill a working deal and ruin our credibility (further).

Especially if Hillary is handed the nomination again.

GODDAMN RIGHT! Thank you for having the courage to stand up and speak truth to power!

What’s this about moisturizing my shaft?

Shave your head. Don’t give money to Big Pharma.

“Lather, rinse, repeat”: scam to make us use twice as much shampoo?

I’m shocked you’re not writing about the obvious collusion that is the sale of Greek yogurt+mix-ins.

This same line of reasoning will also reveal why in fact 6 is afraid of 7.

It’s says “sham” right there in the name.

Ten years in federal prison (ten real years; the feds don’t do “good behavior”)

This dude’s firearms should never have been turned over to his dad. That was a huge mistake.

Yep. You can be mimicking or making fun of people who say the n-word but you’re the one letting it come out of your mouth soooo....

This is satire.

Translation: “isn’t there anything I can do at this point anymore that is insulting or hurtful towards others that won’t result in a backlash that makes me look bad?! No fair!”

It’s 2018 and we’ve put the “Is ironic racism still actual racist?” question to bed a million years ago.

Im so fucking sick of the “Im sorry you were offended” non-apology apology...

I make fun of republicans every day without using any racial slurs.