
“They’re going to grand jury, already?”--Laquan McDonald

now I understand what the Russian meme was referencing earlier today.

This is a Russian probe even Republicans can get behind (underneath?)

Small Japanese grill?

Jesus! Even more evidence of Russia meddling with our erections.

I rather think they are on a job. ;)

A Life in Aggro with a logical panel order and a joke that is understandable without in-depth knowledge of the game it’s about?

Peeps are awesome, you monster.

No, they’re not Judas. They’re the hypocrites, the law teachers, the money lenders in the Temple, the Pharisees...

I really love how the judges keep guessing A-list celebrities as if they don’t recognize that they’re all C-level at best.

Wait Shock G and Humpty were the same person the entire time?

Because studios are businesses that want to make money? I feel pretty grossed $94 million on a $34 million dollar budget. And Trainwreck was much bigger. So that’s how Schumer gets deals. You’re welcome.

I’d rather watch Louis.

That is because it’s only a partial redemption. Loki never says he is sorry for the attack on New York. Or faking his death. Or taking over Asgard and putting Odin in a nursing home.

She thought it was Meghan Markle? Meghan Markle? Meghan Fucking Markle?

Welp, 40-32 LSU. I wonder when UCF will claim their second national championship? Don’t get me wrong, UCF is a pretty damn good team, definitely one that can knock anyone off if they aren’t taken seriously, but definitely not playoff level.

He certainly cannot read the question...

$9 million. For just over two minutes of “work”

He claimed $9 million. Enjoy your stew!