I love Taika Watiti. He did not win an Oscar for directing Jojo Rabbit; it was Best Adapted Screenplay.
Also, your second paragraph is an indictment of our justice system and not the person.
If it’s a middle-aged white person with a camera crew? Yeah, I would be suspicious.
I’ve never understood how all the employees are supposed to buy that they’re being given some fiftysomething white guy as the new trainee while they’re filming them for some unnamed reality show. Yeah, right.
Umm, I can look at the advertising and reasonably infer the intent and nature of the show. If I had heard something different from people who watched, I would have been open to giving it a chance.
I wonder if the whole “the rich aren’t so different from us” message might be true in a way they didn’t intend, which is that we could be just as greedy and oblivious if given the opportunity.
The only thing I’ve gotten enjoyment out of related to Undercover Boss is this skit. Kylo Ren really is the perfect lens to show what so many real bosses are: vain, insecure, abusive. It’s patently ridiculous but also more realistic than anything on the real Undercover Boss.
A plague on both your houses
They play in a division with 3 incompetently-run franchises. They feast every fucking year.
Yeah, as well as Infinity War...
when was the last time you saw a sex scene in a superhero film? watchmen? the wolverine?
By this criteria, Endgame should have done really well.
It’s a decent theory, but there are also plenty of counter arguments.. most sentai heroes are adults and I’m pretty sure gojira is not in high school.
Coincidentally, the phrase “he felt it move when he tugged” is found in over 90% of Cap Thor slashfic. At the risk of ruining the innuendo with a relevant Joss Whedon reference, the hammer is his penis.
“Well, y’know, the suit recycles my feces and urine. Isn’t that right, Friday?”
“No, Mister Stark. It does not.”
“...oh, no.”
“Toilets? With what I’m wearing, we don’t need toilets.”
Oh, I can do better than that! You know how *spoilers* Cap goes back in time and marries Peggy Carter? Joe Russo recently admitted that if he could rewrite it, he would have ended up with Hermione.
So if people ask for examples of why a movie and your only evidence is a minor plot contrivance involving a rat and a plot point that everyone was brought back five years then you refuse to provide any real examples of major plot holes in the movie because demanding you cite evidence is an “attack”, it’s pretty…