
Sure looked like Michigan didn’t belong after their earlier performance.

You lost me at Michigan

“Should I send this to her?”

With Trump in office, I like to think I’m pretty much prepared for just about any sort of outlandish headline/blog/newsworthy item that pops up. But this ... I did knot see this coming.


Holmes and Watson are camping. Holmes squints gnomically up at the night sky. “Tell me, Watson,” he says. “What can you deduce from those stars?”

Neither! The review mentions that there weren’t advance screenings, so the only reviews would come when critics went to see it on their own with general audiences. It’s the ultimate sign a studio can give that they screwed up royal making a movie, and the only chance of making a cent off it is pure dumb luck from

There’s never a shortage of new material for people to make fun of Trump no matter how much he’s been made fun of before, but movies are made months in advance so they have to make do with “Cheeto Hitler” level stale jokes.

There was actually an episode of Foyle’s War that aired in January 2015 that had a leader of a xenophobic far-right party who claimed he could “make Britain great again.” So they beat this movie to the joke before MAGA was even a thing.

I wonder if they got into this like how Bill Murray thought Joel Coen was writing Garfield: the Movie.

He didn’t write Walk Hard. You’re confusing it with Get Hard, that awful Will Ferrell/Kevin Hart prison comedy that Cohen also directed.

Worked in surgery for a number of years. I will not provide the entire list but just the top three rectum items.

So which one of these was Drew?

I wonder if these two met, would they compare notes:

A big year for dominos.

I mean, even though we have to go over the fact that you shouldn’t use Q-Tips to clean your ears, at least I can understand how someone might not know that...but bleach? That seems like a given.


Dominos in the penis and the vagina—I need to reread the rules to Mexican Train...

The penis entries are always a worthwhile reminder that with close to 400MM people in America and 7B throughout the world, no matter how crazy the activity you can imagine, there's probably 200 people doing that very thing right now. 

Very presidential