
Young persons - according to their friends, both Summer and Diaz use they/them pronouns.

I agree! It sucks I have to write like that to avoid getting sued for libel, and I wish I could comfortably use different language!

That is some Lovecraftian ‘And The Crops Will Not Fail’ weirdness right there, but... racist?  I’m confused.

Reducing the possibility of Trump and Republicans taking government action against Facebook.

A public blood letting? I think you might be the one who needs to chill. The dude is getting mocked, not murdered.

Yes. Sent a public tweet, on their public twitter account, tagging the “offending” restaurant in the tweet, apparently hoping to garner sympathy and also shame the restaurant. Kind of seems like the backlash is their own fault for misjudging public sentiment. 

She’s white so how do you know that it isn't, buddy?????

This is why I only trust people who’ve worked in the service industry. 

Oh the unbearable whiteness of being!

I know that she’s in her early 30s and completely fine dating a guy pushing 50, but in every photo he just looks like her dad.

I appreciate Jezebel’s coverage of this but it makes me wonder. If this is so prevalent across every industry, what is the culture like at Jezebel and other Gawker channels (besides The Root)?

Hear me out, Clueless does pretty good, not great or perfect for nowadays, but not too much cringing really. Although that guy clearly sexually assaulted Cher, but maybe it’s realistic. She beats him back and gets abandoned for it, then mugged at gun point and he faces zero consequences. 

The show didn’t age well on so many issues like homophobia, transphobia, etc. either.

Oh man, I’d like to see that pic! Contouring is some serious magic! My husband wanted me to show a side by side to truly show how crazy she went with all of the contouring. Its like two totally different people.

7th grade, 1985/86. For Christmas I received a gift certificate for a perm, yay!!! For a reason I will never understand, I decided to cut my bangs before going to the salon. I kept cutting and cutting and cutting until I was left with, for lack of a better description, a bangs crew cut. I went thru with the perm. I

The worst make over I’ve had is easily the make up trial I had before my wedding. I asked for a natural look. Against my wishes, she tried to contour my flat and wide Filipino nose into a pointy one! She thought I looked amazing and took a pic of this for her portfolio. I went with a different make up artist for the

I loved these books and thought I was going to hate the movie - but I agree - I thought Tom was actually pretty good. Maybe because it felt like he was really just playing himself - a slightly androgynous diva that won’t accept aging or anyone telling him no. And, agree on everyone else - Brad was terrible(between

I didn’t realize I’m not allowed to talk about what people post to a massive message board. I’m sorry.

I hate that you don’t make these new articles with each update. It renders commenting useless. Looking still comments from may when it’s an August update is blah. It only gets worse as time goes on. How about “best 8 games as of may 2017.... best 12 games as of August 2017" and so on and so forth. Will anyone ever