
Since I don’t directly comment to greys—and especially greys with backward ass opinions—here goes:

“I don’t want to do this because it makes me and my family uncomfortable,” is full-enough reason not to do something, full stop.

Really easy to tell someone else to do something about an issue when you yourself aren’t willing to do the same. Put the cause before your family is something that no legitimate cause should ever advocate.

Yikes. What a claim.

The fact is that most people don’t want to invite drama into their personal lives so lets stop assuming his marriage isn’t strong enough to survive the gossip. Why subject your significant other to the abuse or harassment? Also can you guarantee that the gossip would stay online? We all know that there are those who

Stop telling people what they should do on their own channels

So his completely understandable fears about rumors and gossip possibly rising to destroy his family aren’t as important as playing games with women publicly?

Ubi will have The Division 2, that alone makes it immediately more interesting than anything EA had.

We do our best to just treat them like we would any other publisher. Any time I’m going to run a report like this, I’ll always ask the relevant parties for comment. Sure, Bethesda hasn’t responded in nearly five years, but that doesn’t mean we’re gonna stop asking. Let the onus be on them.

My guess is that when Valve takes out that sexy piston-pumping animation and spurts of hot steam, Apple will be much more okay with it.

In closing, we only have about 3 weeks left

You can hate the wait all you want, but considering the dev was basically living paycheck-to-paycheck working on a cinema with support from his girlfriend while he coded this, I’m not sure he could have just delayed the release two more years to code multiplayer. Multiplayer exists as a direct result of the game’s

Baseball is not a sport.

If there’s one pro gaming scene I can definitely show non-eSports people without them asking too many questions, other than fighting games, it’s Rocket League. Look, cars playing soccer! It’s whimsical, it’s fun, and then you see those insane trick shots and think “wow, those must be pros”.

Comment should have been:

Now that they see

any chance we can get the character/game on these included in the picture description?

Yet more confirmation that cursive is a dying art form.

I’m curious to see where this all goes—and hopeful that it will lead to something productive.

There’s no 100% cure for people being assholes; no matter how great the community, or how well it is monitored, there will always be dipshits within the group that feel the need to be toxic, aggressive, or otherwise

He didn’t discover it, but that’s certainly when most folks learned about it - the video went viral (hence my ‘general public consciousness’ wording) The first discovery, which is credited in the video, comes from Average Josh.