There will never be a Street Fighter as beautiful as 3rd Strike.
There will never be a Street Fighter as beautiful as 3rd Strike.
It’d be great if they now turned their attention to the DAMN FALLING THROUGH THE WORLD BUG. Haven’t been able to do 2 days worth of hard missions which is making me regret picking this game up at full price. Although it IS Ubisoft, idk what I was expecting....
I guess by that logic GTA V was a Fallout rip off too. Damn dirt.....
To be fair, there is nothing more satisfying than connecting on a Falcon Punch!
I think the question here is will Sony open up for ps4/Xbox matchmaking
This looks like Heavenstrike flipped on its side with PvZ plastered all over it.........and I'm not complaining.
Is there any chance of getting the cold steel series on psn/pc? The lack of backwards compatibility on my ps4 makes me sad :(
This game has taught me to sit outside a girl’s house twice a week to give her flowers so she will stop being mean to me. Stalker Simulator 2016!
How would one go about acquiring sheet music for the “Beta Testing” song?
Instead, they could attempt to buy back shares at a higher price to persuade stockholders to sell but this requires a lot of excess capital and isn’t the greatest idea financially, although it might be the only way to stop Vivendi assuming they buy back enough stocks.
From what I understand from a small amount of accounting, issuing new shares into the market requires you to issue more shares to existing shareholders so that their percentage of shares owned stays equal. It reduces the price per share but doesn’t reduce the percentage each existing shareholder possesses. If someone…
When someone steps up and gets vaccuum-packed into the Catsuit like Michelle Pfeiffer did then maybe I’ll consider changing MY number one.
Not only am I also guilty of buying the same game multiple times for multiple platforms, I'm also guilty of buying games on steam I have zero intention of playing just because it's a good enough deal. Yeah I've played legacy of Kain: defiance a million times but dammit I got it for like a buck so don't judge me jeez.
I went so far on FFRK without spending money that now I give them the dollar for the 100 gem pull on each new banner out of respect.
I felt like the FFIV DS port was also done really well, as in they didn't change much that I could tell. The After Years though.......I'm still having trouble seeing through the tears from my demolished childhood :(
Yoda Stories isn’t on this list and the 10 yr old me is very sad :(
Due to the metroid in the leg-claw my guess would be a weird version of Ridley. Proportions seem way off to me for some reason.
My friends and I were getting set up for LoL s6 but then Diablo had to come rear it’s head AND NOW I NEED THE SHINY PILLARS ON MY SCREEN. Ugh.
I 100% agree with this. Most don't realize how hand and how expensive it is.
What blows me away is the small amount of money most of these kickstarts think they need......compared to what they actually need. Only one of these is over 50k and to hire additional people for ambitious additions to a game costs a hell of a lot more than that.