Is it really that excellent? I have it in my steam library and every time I turn it on I get stuck at the character creator cuz I have no idea where to put my points or what kind of character I want to be.
It’s been a few years since I played but I remember getting edea’s card being a huge pain in the butt. Random, same, and plus rules all together was the worst.
Just make sure you don’t let the random rule spread...
I’ve never actually played a dragon quest game, but this looks super. What battle system does the series use? If its a classic menu based battle system like final fantasy 1-10 I would totally pick this up.
That’s crazy, I’m amazed at how good people are at this game. I usually miss when I try to hit the ball out of the air.
Yup Fahey would totally be Hai Yo... If only you could cook waffle tacos, hot dog stuffed crust pizzas, and various strange flavours of potato chips.
If only victor had a huge beard... Maybe Fahey should be Ridley? OOOh or Shinro! they are the hairiest characters in the game...
Played Suikoden 2 for my first time like a year ago, and it is now one of my favorite games. Dammit the cooking mini game is awesome.
Dammit would they hurry up and release this for android already...
Do you think he is open to a trade for it? I have a first born child I would be willing to trade for that.
I just got a vita a couple weeks ago. The lineup kind of sucks, the list of ps3 games that support remote play is pitiful. But I do love it for remote playing my PS4... if only they would let me customize the controls...
This is the first thing I thought of when I heard about the remake. I will do everything in my power to go on a HD date with Barrett.
I'm not opposed to another fire emblem character, but why are they only adding sword users? There is a literal shit tonne of characters to choose from. Archers, mages, dudes in heavy armor, beast people? Enough clone characters please.