Well played sir!
Costume is flawed... that's not a bowcaster.
Man I wish more porn was censored with the spray can instead of the black box...
I ran into this guy last night... Maybe Bagabug is LOTR speak for creepy friggin dude.
Ugh and there's this...
Hey now... I bought this movie on DVD, it's part of my movie collection. But it fails as a Final Fantasy movie, FF10 came out the same year, so every game before this has a classic Final Fantasy feel. The good guys in this are basically just generic soldiers running around with their guns. The world, despite taking…
3. Locke
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Bet that bunny is hollow
I remember when I was little playing all kinds of games with my stepdad. Classic wolfenstein, doom, and some adventure game I can't remember the name of... I just remember always playing as a theif then running into a purple dinosaur looking guy who would kill me everytime.