
So one of the reasons I practically have a psychotic break when I get too hungry is because I'm HSP? Iiiinteresting. That's not a symptom I was told about before. Most people get hangry to a certain extent, but I'm scary.

Great tip about being more self-aware.

This was really interesting, especially this part:

Agreed. This was a poor article from an author who acknowledged she didn't even watch very much of it. I had it up (granted I was working on other things) but I watched it and it just cemented my #TeamBritney feelings.

Yeah, it's really one of the "low points" of an otherwise thoughtful and inspirational blog. Jezebel especially likes to go after women with known mental illness issues, which is especially "brave" of them.

Jezebel really seems to shine when it unnecessarily puts women down.

What part of the body is this on? Because if it's right below some stretch marks this person gets a high five from me.

THIS is how you are meant to do a fashions award show. I am obsessed with every individual piece of Susie Lau's ensemble, espeically the jacket; Suzy Menkes' intergalactic bag lady concept is spot-on; and Simone Rocha took the oversized pink coat trend to a sublime level.

Super space age polymer adhesive! I'm trying to understand the physics of her being able to sit down.

Me too.

I like to imagine that McKellan crashes on Stewart's couch and they get into wacky adventures...

Someone should film a year of their friendship. I would watch that shit so hard.

At Bed, Bath, and Bombardment.

Isn't she saying she'd rather be a toned 8 than a flabby 8? You can be skinny but fat.

If Kourtney Kardashian is "already showing" I am about to give birth at my desk. OK! Magazine is straight up dumb.

I stopped at "fixes everything."