
I agree. What would give a semi-famous tattoo artist the idea that he knows enough about tattoo culture to advise someone?

Your article showcases that you are a spoiled brat masquerading as a journalist. No tattooist is required to do work on a client. To search for photos to mock work the person has done is about as juvenile as you can get. As a tattooed woman and feminist, I would suggest that you not take the flag of feminism and wrap

You lost all credibility with “tat,” you dingus.

Hmmm. Seems like he respected her enough not to go forward with the tattoo. Not doing it cost him a potential client - I’m sure the decision wasn’t made rashly by the artist.

I know a few artist who refuse finger tatts because they don’t last long. Really, though, shouldn’t an artist be free to participate or not?

You have a strong opinion about individual rights and talk about how the tattoo is a colabrative process, but then you completely ignore Dan’s right to take part in the process... or not. I think if you take a step back, you’ll realize that personal rights aren’t due to just one side of the equation. Everyone has the

Honestly, who cares. Too many people are too self-righteous (and self-obsessed) about too many things. It’s a disease in our culture. If an artist doesn’t want to give you a neck tattoo then that is their choice. It’s their discrimination, reputation, and comfort zone. Nobody owes you an explanation. You’re not hard

From someone who works in the body modification industry, it’s not that Dan thinks it, it’s that he knows the vast majority of the population still thinks tattoos are counter culture. Refusing to do neck tattoos on non-heavily tattooed people is very, very common in the tattooing world. It's his right not to perform

Yeah really what does Dan know its not like he tattoos for a living or is some kind of professional. You know better though. you are not dumb at all.