“I kind of miss that Bush guy”
“I kind of miss that Bush guy”
You’re right. Kissinger’s ability to diss someone who is unfortunately relevant in a way we find momentarily entertaining as we all prepare for various dystopian fictions to manifest into our current reality also translates to complete forgiveness and unanimous approval for Henry Kissinger.
Or are we just saying ‘even…
Why don’t you point out that Icarus also lacks the enlarged sternum necessary for supporting the large breast muscles required for flight, or the hollow bones that shed excessive weight? From his wings failing to him unable to breath in the thin air, to him freezing to death, the closer he gets to the sun results in…
HE approached ME. And let that be known.
I’m deeply resentful of 45's administration for many reasons; on the list is that his presidency has forced me to say things like, “Wow, this Kissinger piece is hilarious” and “Let’s not besmirch the good name of Richard Nixon by comparing him to Trump.”
God, though. Doesn’t it bother you that only one hand is gloved? Like, what’s THAT gonna do?
That’s Brock Turner. So many rapists to choose from.
no - that’s the asshole out west who was literally caught in the act of raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster, and then got a six month sentence because the judge didn’t want to ruin his life.
That was Brock Turner. Labrie’s ongoing relationship with steak remains unknown.
I just don’t find this that interesting. Of course lots of people sent letters like this, why wouldn’t they? They didn’t know what was going to happen.
I’m black you dumbass
It sounds like dissociative identity disorder, to a tee. She was abused as a child and would spend hours each day fantasizing that she was an African Princess. She took on a new personality to escape the abuse she was suffering and it carried over into adulthood. I do agree it is not white supremacy, at least not on…
I’ve had the same problem with the Dolezal story — why is everyone so angry and mocking of a woman who seemed to be reacting to (a) her white parent’s ill treatment of her black adopted siblings, and (b) an art teacher who told her that her art about the black experience was inappropriate because Dolezal herself was…
Hats off to Oluo for making me (and so many of us) see this over-hyped story in a totally new light. For the first time I was struck by how Dolezal seemingly sought out the community of blackness when she felt like she was rejected from whiteness (by which she really means wealthy whiteness). Maybe it’s because I…
WOWW. Now she’s getting info from former students?? This is amazing!
My mom always told me, “beware a convert.” They’re always incredibly fanatical because they believe they’ve rationally chosen the thing that you’ve always just had or believed. Except in this case, the thing she thinks she knows more about is OTHER PEOPLE’S ACTUAL LIVED IDENTITIES!!!! It’s so gallingly bonkers I don’t…
it is remarkable that we’re somehow still talking about Rachel Dolezal
Oh my god that is all absolutely amazing and I’m dying. That entire thing is just an incredible exercise in facepalming.
I believe Rachel Dolezal, in her mind, truly believes she’s black. No, she’s not black, she never was black, and she never will be black. But she does think that she’s black. I don’t believe she goes home every night and thinks, “how can I, as a white person, continue to make black people angry?” At some point, a…
Don’t worry, the Queen will put him in his place. Whether he notices or not is another question...