Tatterhood's Goat

You speak the truth about librarians. Having the receipts is literally our job.


A guy (who was actually trying to get in my pants rather than tell me he wasn’t interested) once told me that his perfect woman had my brain in my (blonder, thinner) friend’s body. He had previously gone on a few dates with this friend and deemed her “not quite smart enough” for him.

I can’t actually provide any insight into this phenomenon, but I can tell you that it is a phenomenon. I work in musical theater, primarily as a lyricist/librettist. Although I also write music, I’m more a “songwriter” than a “composer,” so a few years ago, when I had a project I felt was a little beyond my musical

As another trans woman who was circumcised at birth and not thrilled that it still goes on, you really need to cut this bullshit out. Even if you sincerely believe that a circumcision is comparable to a clitoredectomy (lol) I can guarantee you that all you’re doing right now is pissing off would-be allies and giving

It is good a thing. I had an emancipation party with a pinata I filled with small bottles of booze, lottery tickets, condoms and candy. I would have done change, but I was worried that the gardener might murder me...

OMG, I would have bailed at the “pee-pee” remark.

And another was “I find it disappointing that you’re so academic. You really don’t need to be.

I got told “you’re too pretty to be worried about politics/reliigous studies/philosophy/gender studies . . . or anything bordering on intelligence.” And another was “I find it disappointing that you’re so academic. You really don’t need to be.”

His “compliment” reminded me of a time some friends and I were hanging out and one guy came in with his new girlfriend. One member of our group said “Oh, wow she’s so good looking.” and for some inexplicable reason, the idiot friend said, “Oh, if you think she’s good looking, you should have seen my last girlfriend.”

to date a 30-year-old who you merely describe as “a softer beauty.”

SUCH a good gif.

Whenever anyone says “I could have anyone I wanted” you know they are delusional and you should very very quickly run very far away.

Right, and nobody saw her jump, so I’m wondering why you’re so certain it was a suicide.

Please don’t trivialize depression and mental health issues by immediately dismissing suicide and going full conspiracy. Depression can affect anyone, regardless of color, sex, gender or social standing.

My cousin committed suicide five years ago today. Thank you for posting this. Keep posting it (I do often). If it can help just one person it is worth putting out there. Thank you.

Do people frequently kill themselves by jumping into rivers?

The New York legal community is in shock. Colleagues of mine who have argued before her said that she was an excellent judge.

Successful people commit suicide. Black people commit suicide. Muslim people commit suicide. The police obviously need to rule out every possibility of foul play. But based on this post we know nothing about her personal life, if she was suffering from depression, having financial problems, found out she had incurable