Tatterhood's Goat

My cat, Moon

Unparalleled in bolting from any sign of danger, real or imagined. A sweet girl.

This is Sadie. Snuggling is her superpower.

Niles is a very pretty bird.

Good Kermit

These good girls are my good pets.

Bodie ate my running shoes 2 days before my first marathon. He’s still a good dog.

This is Pax chillin’ at Rialto Beach.

Casey (friend’s Golden) and Layla (my Rott). Casey and Layla are good dogs.

This is Olive the dog. She’s very good with her little human brother. She never even opens her mouth near him unless he’s handing her food.

This is Thunder

My two doofuses!

Bodhi’s a good dog.

My cats name is Briq...

This was my Marty. I miss him. He was a good ass boy.

Wallace 2020.

Tank is sick of my shit.

“A sandwich!”

My dog Hank is a very good dog. Yes he is!!!