Tatterhood's Goat

I am the room mom for my daughter’s kindergarten class and happened to be in the class during their first of two active shooter drills. We split the kids into two groups and one went in the closet with the teacher and one came with me in the bathroom. If there isn’t a second adult in the room (which is 90% of the

My daycare (kids who are too young for kindergarten) sends pictures of what the kids are doing during the day through an app. A few weeks ago, they send a picture of a “safety drill”, which was the kids, age 2-4 up against a wall with their caretaker (who is probably getting paid a bit above minimum wage) putting her

I still have nightmares about the conference I had after my then two-year-old failed her first active shooter drill. They hid in a closet and closed the door, and she freaked out and began screaming.

It’s not a good idea to tell other people how to cope with this bullshit.

As a parent, knowing that there are amazing caring teachers like you willing to protect my child in a potential terrible situation makes it a little easier to sleep at night. Bless you and thank you.

I keep a bag of lollipops in the filing cabinet near where they have to be quiet. In the event that it wasn’t a drill or went on for a really long time, everyone is getting something stuck in their mouths. You have no idea how much I hate that I have a plan for that scenario.

If carrying out a murder-suicide of your partner isn’t enough to flag you as a miserable waste of humanity, try doing it in front of a classroom full of children aged 5 to 11.

Too soon....and I laughed.

Further up the thread i related how i got used to addressing my new roommate, and then when my bf came over i called him my roommate’s name in bed. In school i’d be in a class of 30 people for the whole school year and never learn more than 1 or 2 peoples names. I couldn’t remember teacher’s names either.

Not true, i dated a guy for 5 years and was engaged to him and i sometimes struggled with his name.

It’s a nice list I like it.
Don’t think of it as making mistakes, think of it as your subconscious trying to weed out incompatibles right away.

Case in point, I accidently went on a nerdy tangent of why I liked my favorite anime. 4 minutes in, I was like wtf brain, you just killed the mood. But when she responded to

I always made first dates take me to mini-golf. You learn a lot about a dude when he’s losing at mini-golf.

Okay so, “never seen Arrested Development” is actually very different than “seen and actively dislike Arrested Development”. There’s an obvious cure for one! The other is hopeless. Although yes we would probably argue about sports a lot. Even though your wretched Red Sox are going to win the AL this year. Fucking

It sounds like you’re an extrovert who’s used to feeding off “crowd energy”—being the life of the party, enjoying the “charge” of lots of people. And it’s hard to “reset” to just one person in a smaller situation.

People are allergic to the word fewer, and it’s fucking stupid.

if those things killed it for a girl, you just gotta let it die. if you try to control the situation and force something, you will end up in one of those miserable couples who clearly liked the idea of being married than each other.

Look at the amount of pressure you’re putting on yourself. It’s worse than someone who has social anxiety and never has positive interactions with people: you’re being extra hard on yourself because you ARE good at interacting but fail in this particular instance. You’re probably going to dates with a “shit, how am I

Find someone who finds nervous/panicking/awkward their type.

I once told a woman she had beautiful skin, and then immediately said that maybe it was just the lighting.

haha similar, but different, I went on an out of town date (like stay in a hotel) with a girl a few years ago. Went to get beers and left my phone on the table. When I get back she says, “Your mom texted you” and (as I’m putting the beers down) I say, “read it to me.” The text, verbatim: