Tatterhood's Goat

That was an odd question and a bad innuendo. The Beaver is a most admirable mammal! Better than America’s new National Mammal - the Bison: a big, dumb food source that allowed itself to be nearly wiped out. Per your comment, I happily looked up Canada's Beaver. A natural engineer: builds dams and supports the

By Cynthia Sousa aka Themat.

I’m glad your husband is understanding a little, it’s important to have someone to back you up emotionally. Kinja has been messing with me as well, I can’t click on my notifications to go to comments people reply with.

That is rough, I hope you can hold it together during the biopsy wait.. that is an insanely long time to wait for an answer.

I’m more troubled by her wedge heels. This picture is from her Batman v Superman costume, but I think I spotted the wedge heels in this trailer, too.

Red Velvet is bullshit. Dark red is my favorite color so they’re pretty, but it tastes like weak-ass chocolate cake that stains your teeth.

WOW. Thanks for that. Get back to me when you’re a drug addled fragile 19 year old lured into a cult by a charismatic man spouting alluring ideology who ends up as a despot. I’m not saying you or I would do what the Manson girls did, but I am saying that we have NO way of knowing what we would have done. We all love

I imagine that person is awful enough to pick at just about anyone. A long nose isn’t a terrible thing to have, I like the profile it gives.

I think he was clearly a few cards short of a full deck, and your nose is fine. Some noses are long, some are snub, some are arched, some are flat, some are wide, some are narrow, and mine currently has a big pink zit.

It looks like something Mike Pence would require you to cremate.

Please do. Red velvet cake is dumb.

What’s the big deal about red velvet cake anyway? Does it have a velvety texture? Is it exceptionally fluffy? Uniquely tangy? I’ve looked at several recipes, and it seems to be basically a 2-egg buttermilk cake with a little cocoa and fuckton of food coloring to make it red. And how the heck to you make red velvet

That reminds me: I make one hell of a carrot cake, with lemon-cream cheese frosting. Whipped until fluffy, made with fresh lemon.

Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’m a fellow accommodater, and have an unfortunate tendency to think that I need to make life easier for other people at my own expense. So take some time to grieve the wedding you didn’t realize you wanted, and let yourself feel sad about not having pushed harder for

Last week I posted that I was scheduled to get my first (and hopefully, only) abortion. And I was kinda nervous about it.


I made a gif from a video I shot! I’ve never done it before! I call it “Max gets a treat.”

I’m fine with her being denied parole—what would she do in the real world anyway? But for everyone saying “19 is old enough to know not to kill someone” should go read about the Stanford Prison experiment or even just go read Heart of Darkness. Many (if not all) people are capable of this kind of evil given the right

Thank you. What is funny is that my parents are very intelligent and taught me to think critically. They aren’t really applying those skills right now. They are in a bit of a Republican echo chamber where they live and my brother is also in a Republican echo chamber.

I was lucky. I was always different enough that I