Tatterhood's Goat

I think you have some pretty unrealistic expectations on what it takes to write a speech that is meant to formally introduce yourself to the nation during a prime time speaking slot at the convention. Michelle Obama worked on her convention speech with a speechwriter for weeks. According the WP, the Obamas poached a

Dude really? I highly doubt any other potential first lady in recent years wrote their own convention speeches unaided. Michelle Obama definitely had one in 2008. I think it’s ridiculous to begrudge anyone the aid of speechwriters when they’re expected to give a speech that will be broadcast to millions, if not

Well, let’s give her some credit. I wouldn’t be able to give a speech in Slovene (or whatever her first language is), and I don’t speak five languages. It may very well have taken her several days to prepare for her speech in English.

I want Michelle to hold a press conference and call Melania’s dumb ass out on TV. I want Michelle to demand an apology and call her “Crooked Melania” and discuss how much she lies. AND, I want her to do it in a sleeveless outfit to show off her awesome arms! Of course Michelle won’t because she is more classy and less

I’m laughing at how shameless it is. White people sure do love stealing from Black people, huh?

I am not big into conspiracies, but the one I do like is that the entire Trump campaign was designed to make the RNC look bad to help get HRC elected. Like I’m actually suggesting someone is paying billions so she can be the first woman POTUS.

YESSS! I am with you on this. There is definitely a saboteur on the inside and whoever it is is doing good works. Really good works. The BEST. Haha. Seriously though I hope it continues and it's enough to turn more people off.

Melania told the press she wrote the speech herself so let me just say I’m grabbing my popcorn.

Between this and the Trump/Pence logo, I am now convinced that there is a maybe not-so-small group of Republican operatives secretly trying to bring down Trump from the inside.

So, either a)Steve King doesn’t think religion is important or b)Steve King thinks Jesus was a white dude.

What about the Chinese? They had a pretty complex civilization going when my Brit ancestors were still running around in woad.

My parents are fierce Republicans. Even they refuse to vote Trump and recognize his idiocy. That’s big. This will be the first time in forever neither of them is voting.

Modern medicine/surgery has well known roots in Egypt, India, and else where that existed thousands of years before Hippocrates. He probably thinks Imhotep is the guy from The Mummy.

That’s a very close approximation of the end of our conversation, yes.

That’s sort of the personification of what I think I hate most about his candidacy: it’s inspired people who were (I thought) better than this to feel free to express their basest, worst opinions. I would have been happy to see many of them hide that part of themselves away forever.
It sucks to hear that kind of thing

Bring back Roman Numerals. Arabic numerals are probably muslim. All muslims are terrorists. All terrorists are Isis. Therefore, let’s stop teaching our children to use Isis-based numerals. Make America Rome Again!

Should clarify that my Mom, who was always a Dem when I was growing up, has recently stated her support for Trump because that’s who my brother-in-law supports. That’s the entirety of her reasoning. :(
Your Mom seems great and I’m glad to hear about her!

THIS FUCKING GUY! THIS FUCKING GUY! Burn it all down. Burn the motherfucker down.

And this how Ladies and Gents how you wipe out history

Every time I get sad about the state of the world, I just think of that one time I found a “psychology” book in my high school library that was published in the 60s. That book was full of phrases like “negroid physique”, “mongoloid intelligence”, etc...