Tatterhood's Goat

Is it me? I think it's me...

Let’s compare that photo with a recent photo from the Mayor of London. Diversity the one thing that scares Republican party and UKIP, they can unite on that.

My nine-year history on Jezebel is an open book, free for anyone to look at and judge. You, new account with a couple dozen posts?

BUT THESE MOTHERFUCKERS STILL FLEE. If you truly believe in something that strongly, you don’t run away after “honor” killing your sister.

“Hailed as Pakistan’s Kim Kardashian”

So terrible. Her brother needs to be caught and jailed. But this is unfortunately the kind of actions that leads to change. She was bold and did her feminism her way.

It’s amazing how context changes what an action can mean yeah?

Well, the italian criminal code considered a man killing his sister, wife, or daughter because she tarnished his “honor” a mitigating circumstance until the 1980s.

rest in peace

My awful friends don’t even HAVE a pool I can use. PFFT.

Still not the most useless piece of shit she is associated with, and certainly not the costliest.

It’s not like everybody who hurts other people is some kind of horror movie villain, going around doing nothing but being villainous. This is the kind of BS used all the time to excuse rapists (“Don’t let one mistake ruin this young man’s life!”). People who hurt other people should still face justice for what they

Her mistake was in believing that people in general are as big of assholes as she is.. the response, however, gives me the teensiest, tiniest bit of faith in humanity.

I’m hoping she’s like most of the older ladies I see at the gym who are like “I pushed out 4 kids. I’ve had a whole hospital floor shoving their hands up my lady bits. Idgaf. Everybody’s got the same parts.”

I wouldn’t wish that on those women.

I’m right there with you. I am trying so hard to get myself fit and healthy before I hit the big 5-0. Going to the community rec center has been a challenge as it is. The idea that someone might be judging me, mocking me, as I work out or shower after is making me want to never put myself out there again.

On Monday I will be 53. I have an appointment for a goal-setting fitness regime with an incredibly hot and ripped instructor. I make that lady in the photo look like an Olympic diving champion. I’m going anyway. I fucking don’t care anymore. I want to get healthy. Please keep living your life like a diving champion.

This woman just kept A LOT of women who were insecure about their bodies from setting foot in a gym. She has been valued for her looks for so long, she probably has no idea that she made real someone’s worst nightmare. Exercising in public when you have body image issues is hard enough. Thanks for making it so much

This has impacted me way more than I thought it would. I already felt self concious in the locker room and in life and now it just confirms my greatest fear. I like kind of had a melt down when I was getting dressed this morning based on this (and just a shitty self esteem week in general). Mockery of people's looks