
Scarlett Johansson.  Just to piss the writer of this article off.

She did 5 years of research before writing the book. Whether it bore fruit on page or not, the fact that she’s white shouldn’t invalidate her from writing a piece of fiction. It’s ridiculous controversies like this that alienate a lot of people from the progressive movement.

In this case one of the issues is that just a few years ago (2015) the author of this book wrote an op-ed about how they don’t feel comfortable writing about race because they identify as white, benefit from white privilege, and “never know the impotent rage of being profiled or encounter institutional hurdles to

My wife is 25% mexican, but looks completely white.  Yet she still feels a profound connection and pull to that culture.  God knows how many “progressives” would accuse her of appropriation if they saw our ofrenda during the day of the dead.

Sehgal’s review was badly written, itself. She clearly took issue with *who* wrote the book and the amount of promotional dollars that were behind its success, but instead of being forthright and focusing on that criticism, she cherry-picked a bunch of lines she thought were bad. The bulk of the review was her making

Julia will finally be starring in the next Harriet Tubman biopic by then

As I understand it, the disapproval that it exists per se, somewhat predated the actual reviews.

But I think it mostly is about who gets to tell what stories; the quality of the book is not the primary issue, here.

With Kevin Cosner as the good border agent helping the family cross.

Please consider this my all-purpose FFS on these matters.

I feel a bit of irritation at this story. I’m a black guy who has a white niece and a white nephew who are both the grandchildren of a black man and descendants of slaves. They’re a quarter black just as the subject of this story is a quarter Puerto Rican. It irritates me that they might one day want to explore their

The biggest issue is that the book is getting plaudits in spite of being utter trash. Read the NYT linked review to get an idea. If the book was good and well researched then there wouldn’t be quite this issue at all. But for being the result of 4 years of research, it sounds like a quarterican chick took some money

Leftists - “There should be more books about people of color”

He himself said he was serving some “Gumby-realness” so I think he achieved the exact look he was going for. 

Does it have pockets? It looks like you could hide some pockets in the side seam.

I love Billy and I usually love his red carpet looks but I’m not digging this one. The jumpsuit dress is ill fitting and weird (what’s with the random tiny cutout mid torso?), and the butterfly tattoos are ugly and basic. 

“Butterflies are a symbol of the transgender community,” he explained. “You come as one thing and then you transform into something else.”

Cardi B, drugger of people, violent attacker of women, vicious transphobe, and favorite of Jezebel.  Maybe she can be President once she works out her legal issues.

I like everything except the super structured top. It looks like a life jacket.

On one hand, a steak covered in gold is an insult to steak, and I can only assume that it’s presented like this to trick morons into thinking they’re getting a premium piece of meat when any meat-respecting chef would insist on serving a steak on a plate, sizzling, with maybe a sprig of parsley, because that’s all the