Tatsumaki Jim

I always find it funny that a country where everyone can run around packing heat, they’re afraid of people packing virtual vaginas.

I’m just guessing, but to be able to see further and see more it’s going to be bloated with more low to medium quality objects to be rendered at a distance which likely means larger game file size.

Anytime someone says the graphics are going to be better on a switch game, my brain goes to “ok, what did you sacrifice for this?”  I find that after a few hours my appreciation for graphical quality falls away and performance better hold up.

I think we care less about who’s lying than the paradoxical conundrum of whether or not the feedback loop of impossibility will vaporize reality.

I wonder if that student is going to get any sort of consequences. That email could read as either as a threat or entirely innocuous depending on what you want to make of it.

When someone says Naruto themed, I do not think “blue” — These would be more specifically as the article says “Rasengan” themed.

so that would account for the 1, not the 9 others that were stolen.  They just gotta pay by cash before robbing the till on the way out.

If you can’t afford to keep your waistline below 40" then going on this park ride probably isn’t top priority anyways.

I don’t know much about this ride, but my guess would be that it was designed in Japan using their standards.

I remember doing a move like this in NFS Underground during one specific curve that instead of grinding along I would deliberately slam straight into the wall to deflect myself without needing to slow down. There would be no doubt it would kill me in real life, but it won me some online races.

This makes me wonder what percentage of the people who don’t fit don’t fit for legit medical reasons vs those who don’t fit due to personal choices they made.

I haven’t run my phone out of battery in many years. Especially during travel when I’m way more cognizant about it.

He didn’t freeze, he’s actually dog whistling to his supporters that pregnant women don’t matter.

Man, this story just tracks with what you’d expect that it’s almost not news worthy.  That’s so sad.

Is it common for the fire department to get into the beatings as well?  Why were they involved?

I think it depends on the person. If it makes them feel better and cool down faster then that’s alright as long as they’re not hurting anyone. It’s not good if it makes them angrier or it becomes habitual and they need to rage more aggressively to get the same relief.

This also seems like something the patriarchy would make so they can claim ownership over someone else.

Waiting for the next update where the robot will destroy boxes and trees indiscriminately --- just to be safe.

I understand what you’re getting at, but end of the day both of those choices are strategic moves made in the interests of the business. From a human point of view it really sucks, from a business point of view buying another company and it’s IP still makes sense.

Well, can’t say he wasn’t trying to do his research at least.