Tatiana Danger

A Supreme Court justice, ideally, is not a Democrat or a Republican but rather someone who can impartially evaluate complicated legal issues irrespective of politics.

Sometimes I fantasize about having an extra room all to myself and how I would decorate my “lady cave.” It would have a velvet couch, lacquered walls, sparkly textiles, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and a Champagne fridge.

Elsewhere, Cattrall is pretty happy with the way her life has gone. She’s painted her bedroom pink and sleeps in the middle of her king size bed where she farts and snores as she pleases. Isn’t that what we all want?

Perfect! I’m planning a road trip for next month and I’ve been looking for something like this. Thanks for the recommendation!

Also, roadfood.com if you’re driving in the US. Off the beaten path restaurants recommended by locals. The book is better (and was a bible when I drove cross country), but the site is pretty reliable as well.

I wish I had known about this before either of my Virginia -> Cali -> Virginia moves!

Goddamn it, I thought I hit all the links in the article. Also, goddamn it, that joke might have been funny without the stink of this asshole all over it. Ugh, misogynists ruin everything.

Huckabee is way closer to "bubble" than he is "bubba". Dude owns a fucking $3 million house in Florida.

For anyone who is craving more content from these two, this segment that aired today featuring Miss North Dakota on crafts you can do with your kids while they're home from school on MLK Day is a must-watch.

When I saw "Riff Raff", my brain first went to:

The best thing about aging is that the older I get, the fewer fucks I give about the opinions of dickwads like these.

Vote: Roadtrippers

Yep. Sexy, over-confident, semi-socipathic bad boys for me.

I hate myself for it, but team Logan forever. It speaks to the amazing nature of this show that I root for the guy behind bum fights.

I'm just gonna leave this here: