Tater Tots > French Fries

Hugh Jackman seems like a good dude.

You gotta admit, though, they nailed his fucking awful suits. Boxy jackets, shapeless pants hiked up over his gut, and that fucking tie four inches past his belt.

I envy you for clearly you have never heard the song The Christmas Shoes.

Christiane Amanpour has always been an amazing journalist and damn if I am not happy about her getting more press. All hail Christiane!

I think we know why the women were rotated through quickly. Why no one ever thought, “Hey, maybe we should just replace the guy who’s the problem instead of the women who did nothing wron,” tells you how deeply ingrained misogyny is in everything.

Did anyone ever like Matt Lauer? He’s not charming or funny or even relatively handsome. I’ve always been confused why his job was so secure while the women on the show always came and went and were shuffled around.

So this means that creepy white dudes Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer have both been replaced by women of color, specifically women of middle eastern descent - Christiane Amanpour and Hoda Kotb. So can we, like, kick out all the creepy white dudes from positions of power everywhere and replace them with awesome women of

That’s why the marching cry of the alt-right at Charlottesville was “You will not replace us.” (Alternated with “Jews will not replace us,” because fuck those asssholes, but still.) It’s the voice of their anxieties, their fear that ultimately their position of power is an accident of history and not due to their

Honestly, I’m not surprised. He was a terrible interviewer who clearly didn’t do his homework on his subjects and the issues and he gave Trump a free pass on a lot of obvious bullshit. (Regarding that last bit, now we know why.) Even his fluffy news showed his annoying side.

I’m fully convinced that:

So what you are saying is they Don’t Speak?

PLEASE let’s keep talking about the restaurant industry. For many of us, that’s where we got our first jobs as teens. And where we first experienced sexual harassment, although if you’re 16 years old you just try to tell yourself that it’s good that the cooks tease you because that must mean they like you and it’s

Like instead of a wacky guy in a trench coat, maybe: your boss! That police officer? Your good friend.

I like this a lot; I wish they’d pushed it farther.

Yeah it reminds me of the Handmaid’s Tale skit they did last year. Every time I recall it it makes me laugh-sigh.

The video is funny and spot on, but, like...

This stunned me. I have worked in literacy programs with kind, wonderful, strong (and very shamed) adults. They simply have a hard time reading (for myriad reasons), and some of the compensations they have developed are beyond genius.

LW2 - being young isn’t necessarily the issue, it’s being ready. Some people are ready when they’re really young, and some people aren’t ready even into their 40s. We all go at our own pace. It sounds like you think this guy might not be wrong for you, but you’re definitely not ready for that level of commitment yet.

Agreed. Sometimes rehoming pets is the right thing to do. It’s obviously important to rehome them responsibly in order to minimize your pet’s distress as much as possible, but the attitude that rehoming in general is evil and selfish is crazy.

Based on people’s reactions to celebrities who re-home a pet (i.e. Pratt, Dunham, Markle) I suspect there will be a lot of comments unhappy with that advice to LW3, but it’s right and good. That family deserves better than to live with animals that attack them, and those cats deserve to have a home where they don’t