Tater Tots > French Fries

Not for the remainder of his contract but I doubt they’ll try to get their money back for the time he was assaulting instead of working. If I were them I’d join in a lawsuit with the victims to clean him out. Sure, some execs turned a blind eye to his behavior but the bottom line is that they hired him to host not

Oh Matt...

I heard he spent yesterday driving to his 16 year old son’s prep school to be with him when the story broke and my immediate read of this line was that he was apologizing not to his actual victims, but to his son for embarrassing and hurting him.

There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions. To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry.

I have faith in Al Roker if only because of his hatred of Billy Bush and his anger over the Tamron Hall situation.

I’ve seen offices equipped with a door closing mechanism (basically an electromagnet that releases the heavy door and it closes), but I’ve never heard or considered anyone would want one that locked a closed door. That’s just fucking weird.

Take from this month-old tweet what you will:


Ann Curry like

Shout-out to Ann Curry!!! I hope you are celebrating wherever you are, hon.

Fuck that sociopath.

I hope someone archived the archives :/

Don’t know where else to put this but:

Since I don’t see the Barf Bag today, I will leave this here: Texas’ epically horrible abortion ban has been struck down!!!

Retail stores did it to themselves. If they did a better job of creating a positive in-store experience and quality product, we would all be more inclined to shop there. J. Crew is expensive, low quality, and their stores here in NYC are so snobby you’d think you were walking into Barney’s.

Not only is everything they sell paper-thin, it’s all so goddamn boxy! I get why, it’s cheaper to make, but there’s no way in hell I’m buying that crap. Good bye and good riddance, J. Crew.

Did anyone else think Megyn was canceled when they saw the headline?

I’m taking this a lot harder than I thought I would. RIP MKT,T. RIP Megyn’s Wardrobe Wall. RIP Megyn Kelly Never Forget.

To really get the most out of it, Apple needs to allow users to customize the colors for mark up. The ones from iOS 10's Markup were far more distinct and would stand out on almost any image. These have a tendency to fade into the background and not really be distinguishable.