Tater Tots > French Fries

Her tour has already grossed over $50 million dollars and that was before the European leg was postponed. Where do I sign up to fail like that?

Yeah, how dare she be human and have human problems. She should dance at your command!

Threw this one together last night.

He says he was hacked but there’s actual video of him liking the tweet

My career is in HR, and the recession had a huge impact on safe employee workspaces. When the recession hit, it was all about cutting employee costs. No more 401k matching contributions, no more paying out sick leave upon termination, require salaried employees to put in 50+ hours weekly, eliminate positions, require

Republicans are such fucking dumbshits.

I bet Vicki and the Baroness from Sound of Music would have a lot to discuss over martinis.

There’s a scene where Sharon (as Susan) is yelling at her dad about Vicki and toward the end of her rant, she sort of half-heartedly hits the wall of the room with a pillow and sighs.

I adored the original when I was a kid and my mom had to go and point out how fucked up the premise actually is. I was like “Shut up mom! You’re just...oh wait, you’re totally right.”

This song is available on Spotify!

But what about the 1980s TV remake with triplets instead of twins and Haley Mills as the mom and Barry Botswick as the dad?

Her ugly shoes, which are ripoffs of higher quality designs!

I think the people reading this website have already figured out Ivanka is just a dumb ineffectual bitch who benefits off of her racist, sexist, asshole father by pretending to be above it all. Let her burn. I want to see her lose everything and I want to see her little plastic surgery nose and cheekbones fall

And as an adult she would gift us with the start of one of the best series on television: Saved By the Bell

Maureen was so freakin beautiful in that movie, too. I coveted all the dresses she wore in the Parent Trap.

Right? Hayley Mills was, hands down, one of the greatest child actors of all time and I must have seen every single movie she acted in during her childhood.

Some friends and I were talking about this movie and what’s hilarious to me now that I’m a mom is the idea that I would be OK with never seeing one of my children again for the rest of his/her life. “Like OK, let’s split them up. They’re twins so it’s like they’re the same person. You get this one and I’ll take that

Wait. There are people who actually think the 90s version is better?

her publicity team bought her followers