Tater Tots > French Fries

It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.

Well, it’s his right to be hellish.

I never expected to say this about a video post, but... I wish it was longer.

That can’t happen. She’s practically perfect in every way (and if you happened to see her on Colbert a couple months ago, she’s in better shape at 82 than most people at 50).

It’s self-care! Seriously. The time I spend on makeup is time spent on *me*. I give zero fucks about looking attractive for men. It’s all about me feeling like “okay, I’ve applied my fighting face, so now I can take on the world.” I have a ton of eyeshadows I wear only at specific times of the year (it’s almost time

I’ll have you know I waste time in myriad ways-putting crap on my face is just one of them, and it’s nowhere close to being the most frivolous.

Says the woman with the immaculate cheekbones and gorgeous hair. :)

Counterpoint: putting on makeup makes me feel magical and beautiful and the process is soothing. Especially since I suffer from depression, and sometimes putting on a bold brow or power lip is the difference between me sitting at home crying versus going out and facing the world. Sorry zadie. Love your work, but don’t

I guess Zadie feels that white teeth should be sufficient.

I don’t have a problem with Mar-a-Lago, or Bedminster charging for space/golf carts, or Trump Tower charging for space rental, as an abstract matter.

And not getting paid for it.

Much as I hate him, the Secret Service is required to pay for what they use. They can’t be given services for free. I just don’t think he should be able to go to his own establishments.

World’s most depressing job?

Was just reading Breitbart comments and they think Trump and Bannon agreed for Bannon to leave to publicly appease the “globalists” in the administration (i.e. McMaster) but, in actuality, Bannon will continue to advise and support Trump from the outside.

My (overvalued) $.02:

This is window dressing, a meaningless gesture to appease ‘traditional Conservative Republicans’ and the Generals.

Bannon will say he will continue to support the Circus Peanut’s agenda, early Redditors/Breitfarters will be mad initially but briefly, and the bullshit will continue.

To be fair, he only knows, like, 4 adjectives.

Of course he called her during the funeral. Either he was too dumb to realize that much of the country was busy watching the funeral on TV or he intentionally called during that time so he didn’t actually have to talk to her.

Who could have predicted that the president, when given 140 characters to describe a woman who died defending her city from fascists that the adjectives he would use would begin with “beautiful” and not include “brave” or “strong” or “principled” or “righteous”? Oh, everybody could have predicted that? Oh. Okay.

How on earth is a prize like him still single?