Tater Tots > French Fries

Around here, we call that kind of sex “skinny repeal.” It’s not what you promised, it’s not what you were hoping for, no one is really satisfied, and you know it will lead to big problems in the future ... but maybe better than nothing?

This is way off topic but it’s a story I feel only you Jezzies will appreciate.

Imagine Tinsley Mortimer at her peak wearing a Monique Lhullier wedding dress spattered with mud, trapped with a band of men in chain mail and women wearing a lot of velvet and ruffs for days.

Keep that man forever, meteoro!

Wedding cake!!!!! that My Guy used to bring home from the wedding gigs he played (which were a lot at the time: I had a whole freezer-full).

No tax because they are a “religion”, tons of prime real estate all around the world, grift their members by making them pay for pretty much everything, several high profile members who undoubtedly donate money etc.

I wonder why she bothers with choreography at all.


While this is awesome, these kind of stories give me pause as to the state of my home and the impression it would give to FBI raiders. Like was I really too tired to throw my clothes in the hamper last night? Would the FBI guys sit around the office post pre-dawn raid and muse “hey did you see tornado’s underpanties

If I have learned anything from the past year and a half, when it comes to news about Russia and collusion, it is always not yet time to start celebrating.

I don’t buy the fear argument at all. You don’t have to denounce a person to avoid working with them.

So if it was faked by liberals the mosque didn’t get bombed?

I know it’s par for the course but I’m so disgusted by this shit. When people said Obama wasn’t their president, he knew that his duty was to be the president to all people. When people say trump isn’t our president, it’s true, because he believes it to be true. He has no desire to bring people together. That’s why I

Halo Top is fucking delicious and I don’t care about whatever chemicals are in it. Birthday Cake is my favorite flavor. Haters gonna hate!

Me. It’s not about the quality of the snacks I consume, it’s about the quantity. I want a wine spritz and pop chips and halo top ice cream and a motherfucking salad.

I’d rather follow a fan account. An actual fan. One that blows air.

That’s literally her whole business strategy. Makes sense. Birds of a feather


Also, this.