
you know, instead of chicken salad it should really be SALMON salad.


Look at all the purple and soft focus. Does anyone remember a show called Starting Over? Where ladies with Issues went to like a feelings boot camp house and had therapy like 50 times a day, and cried round the clock? There were purple walls and a lot of group hugs and chunky highlights. 2000 was a very strange year.

Didn’t even read the story, just scrolled through comments looking for this


this shit works, just act super chill like it’s a regular diaper change and then BAM saline sneak attack. it’ll be over before they know it

Was listening to Stephen Lewis talk about his work on this on CBC Ideas last week. I ended up crying in the car, the efforts that were made to cover this up are just fucking evil, quite frankly. It is unimaginable to me that, for anyone, protecting adults from prosecution > protecting children from horrific abuse, at…

Both of my parents in law have had precancerous moles removed, and yet every summer I see the tanning OIL outside and get told about how all I need to prevent a burn is a “base tan” (aka, a pre-burn). Smh.

Actually the same thing happened to me

You’ll find me over in the “this is a great photo” camp. Damn.

Oh god this is so painfully accurate. Would read

That’s what it is, completely. Was trying to find the words.

I have a severe hate for the professional photo spree every family seems to go on these days and I don’t even know if I can explain why, I just think it’s such bullshit. You, on the other hand, are Doing It Right. These are the kinds of parenting wisdom nuggets I squirrel away for when we’re out of toddler-hood.


Oh man if those were the Brussels sprouts you grew up eating, no wonder they’re your favourite. Not much better than that, honestly. Broccoli is also one of my favourite, I can eat an entire head of it straight out of the pan.

She’s right.

I think this is seriously one of the major issues at the crux of all this insanity. It’s why we need to fight pandering with education and accessibility.


Ok this is unbelievably stupid and I have never seen it up until now so I’m really just sitting here with my mouth open