
The SodaStream article was a poor example of “Investigative Journalism”.

First of all, do you have a source for that statistic? I'm not saying it's not true, but I would need a source. Are you including Palestinians as "refugees"? That would be awfully unfair.

Sheer nonsense. These are detention camps, alike to ones built by Italy, Australia, Greece, Bulgaria and any other countries that face a wave of economic migrants who claim to be refugees. Israel has had a growing crime wave from these economic migrants who broke through Israeli border. There have been a bunch of high

Except, of course, when "Israel" is used as a more politically correct shorthand for "Jew".

It's about right if you take often unnamed, solitary sources, from a pro BDS publication -which is a racist movement -as fact.

How many countries do you know that willingly allow unfettered, illegal immigration? Especially of poor refugees, many without marketable skills, that don't speak the language?

Is Israel the same country who saved the black Ethiopian Jews (Operation Moses and Operation Solomon)?

Actually, what it looks like to me is privileged Americans and Europeans trying to tell Jews and Arabs living half-way around the globe how they should conduct their business while gender-Apartheid and true political discrimination rages throughout the region with barely a mention because it might threaten oil

How is SodaStream profiting off an occupied people? I wonder, why is it considered occupied when the land was given to the Jews by the British Mandate as agreed by the then major world powers and the Palestinians were given what is now the country of Jordan?

Now playing

The BDS Movement (launched at the notorious anti-Semetic UN NGO Durbin Conference in 2001) is pure anti-Semitism and a boycott of Israeli companies is simply another attempt to attack the MOST free, MOST liberal, MOST tolerant nation in the Middle East. Arabs in Israel have more rights to disagree with the government

Can someone explain to me how the land is occupied? I am genuinely curious, and am interested in a civil discussion.

I wish you would try to be unbiased.

1948: International community establishes Jewish nation of Israel by dividing Palestine in half. The region, leading up this time, was under British authority, but there were frequent rebellions. After WWII, Britain wanted to rescind control and divide the area among the people groups there, while also designating

Thanks for injecting politics into my tech reading. What would I ever do without the great and wonderful minds of Gizmodo to tell me all about politics.