Tater Tot

It works quite well on console, they do a good job of targeting the next corpse in your line of sight.

For the corrupted rockcrushers there is a behemoth you can override and it practically kills the rockcrushers for you.

And then the reward in the shrine.... SMH really???? I avoid spoilers but I was disappointed because that island was a blast outside of waiting forever for the rain to clear. On top of that I had a blood moon during it.... :/

To comment on your #5.... It has happened to me....

Agreed to this statement, I already get enough FPS drops on the current ps4 at 1080..... Always hard to come back to it from PC.

Helldivers is going to be on PS+ for free next week :)

I am currently in this same boat, my GF and I recently finished story and have been working on bounties, rifts etc. The best way I have kept her interested is every so often I completely change her build to make it new. Also i was looking at other recommendations as well, I thought Rayman Legends or a different