
Very nice.. especially if the Second hand was a rotating rotor with a small indication for the actual second. !


@Channan: Iphone 5 probably wont be out for another 18 months or so.. also.. Sure the 4 is nice.. but @ 49 the 3GS is a steal! Unless the 4 dropped to 149, then it may be a tougher choice.

@Organized Chaos: Recently did a comparison for my 2 line family talk with low text messages (I dont' really ned them as I can use GV for taht, but my wife likes to use standard texts because it's easier here's what I found:

@Stem_Sell: I don't know watt all the fuse is about.

@Ridley: I've you've got a phone, it's small enough to be 3g downloaded.

how long 'till it gets banned by apple?

@triggerx: Here's the problem. your dad's internet company will give him a 4GB/Mo plan for what he's paying now.. and then the restof us who use netflix etc will have to pay more on top of it.. Good luck getting your 200MB plan for $10..

@WillieG: While traveling on the thruway in NYS I saw a blazer with the plate (DEEZNUTS) towing trailer with a bike with plates (DEZNUTZ)

@LittleMissVixen: you win the horror story oh wait that's a different page.

@Artifex: If you like new stuff it's not that great, but I"ve got my instant qeue pretty loaded with docs and TV Shows.. Also Streaming is awesome when you have kids, no matter when you wake up on sat morning, bob the builder and thomas are on!

@levi4884: That's great, but this is talking about relatively new phones..

@Kocrachon: It all depends on the situation.. For me, Verizon was the most.. with more phones than 2 it may be less though.

@Kocrachon: They are all the same.. I just did a comparison as my 2 line family plan is up, The Monthly cost differed by less than $10 a month from cheapest to most expensive. And practically no one's less or more evil.

news: Apple releases floppy Beatles Albums, 278 Floppies (Some songs wouldn't fit on just 1)

@shimanopower: You have purchased a flower pot please insert disk 936. You have purchased a trash cmopactor please insert disk 1712. etc

@TheCatInTheHat: I agree, I just threw up and needed to replace my keyboard.

@Suicide Teddy: Once you get past the tutorial you get a bunch of beans,

@Xagest: they sure are, if they are that common, may I suggest a backup generator, or one of them fancey travel alarm clocks that uses 2AA's every year.

why do all of you rely on your phones to be your alarm clock.. go get one that plugs into the wall and doesn't rely on software?