
My issue with e-books, Paperback-> 12.99, Ebook-> 11.99, Used Paperback -> 2.99

Not my tax dollars.. not my county/city.

Seriouly, this was probably a bad idea, maybe 1-2 officers would have been a better idea. But when I first saw the headlines I thought it was going to be use of tracking etc for an inapprporiate use (Tracking son to party, tracking cheating wife etc). The phone was stolen it's illegal, they were following up on a

Dear Netflix.. Stop shooting yourself in the face..

Anyone know if it will be possible to run a browser on this with flash etc? I'd like to set this up as an option to stream the shows I don't get due to no longer having cable. Obviously I'd need to toss it all on an SD card..

You are correct. Jello = Horse / Animal bone.. you could do the same with PPL..

or those who do graphic design / page layout for a living and find things like this to be very annoying to the eyes.. (When you spend your day making sure everything is even seeing stuff like this is annoying)

You'd think that... But I've done both.. and I must say that oil + pan is more flavorful. Takes longer but it's worth it.

Simple tips:

Logic.. it just makes sense.

Def find a site that covers your local markets. I use couponsforyourfamily.com and it covers the Western NY area, and it helps me out a ton with shopping. I buy a few papers (3) so I Have enough coupons to get the worthwhile items and then go buy some free pasta or hot pockets. I will often go on a separate

Yes that's how it is here, you get screwed, meanwhile we think we're getting screwed compared to Europe

Until the first guard gets wind that he can make $100 selling to code to an inmate that will make $10 a pop selling it to the general population.

naganna matter any more because he's outa here - office Space

iThink iGot my iPhone smashed screen repair kit for ~25-30 dollars with all tools needed and it worked really well, especially after all the amazon kits tended to get a lot of OMG THIS DOESN'T WORK DO NOT GET!!11!! in them.

Step 3 you could also have someone jump out of it and maybe run into the gas station for a few min.. maybe buy some chips, and run into the john.. then make a cup o joe.. then get out and leave.. instead of sitting there for 15 min or something.

can the HP touch pad be hacked to run android or something?

Won't someone please think of the children!

I do this, I've always seen $.99 as $1.00, etc etc.. the whole .99 phases me not.. possibly sub-consciously.

Go him.. that's a 1 in a million shot, probably took him quite some time to find it..