
@ergurney001: I dunno, this seems to look like the reactor'll be a little bigger than the average one used to power a sub / carrier.

Thisis the cost of cheap food.. 1 plant processign billions of eggs. If it F's up (As in this case) then it F's up bigtime (As in this case). Having more regional / smaller processors can help isolate problems like this, and keep them from sending 2,000 people to the hospital.

I love tea, but still drink coffee in the AM because it's already made at teh office, and when I make tea in my ttravel mug it still tastes like coffee.

I'd buy it and ditch my phone data plan IF.. It was 199 and included service for life.. or if it was ~75 @ $5/mo

Move to Seatle or London, it's not that big of a deal.

@wanderingrabbi: unless you are using something like open book, or they have their privacy settings set to show the whole world their status.

@StageCraft: Can I do MP with the java version.. Link? I'd like to start playing something again vs my fam who do not all own idevices.

@FrankenPC: Radar Detectors are illgal in about 5 states.. DC and VA for everyone. And Illegal in commercial vehicles weighing over 5Tons.


No web based jbing thoguh I'm guessing.. I've got an old computer at home so I can't use the applications for JBing.

I'd like to 4.1 it.. but I need to be able to JB via web or with 10.4. The Web break seems to be no longer alowed thanks to the PDF Fix.

All those companies selling "get rich quick" bloggers auto-generators just all had the blood rush from their faces and are now staring speachless at their comptuer boxes.

@fjager: Also Beltronics Gx65, and Escort 9500.

@zipeater: Only 1 state.. and D.C. And a few other if you are in a large or commercial vehicle.

Apple and Old Spice are teaming up?

I remember getting this thing in the toys-r-us clearance section for around 20-30 bux.

@Alec: For most devices don't you need to enter in a code (I had to for wii I believe) The ntetflix app only wants your main site login.. I'd say talk to support and see waht they say.

@Jeff: I know "bars" aren't a great representation, but if I'm on 3 bars of 3g, I can stream with good quality, and just pausing and lettign it buffer for a min or two. Good for 30 min tv episodes, but probably not good for movies. 3g Unrestrictor probably would do nothing.. I don't think the quality drops with