
@theamazingpete: It's because the old "Competiton is good for the consumer" doesn't apply in the telecom business. Everyone gets screwed no matter how much companies hate each other.

@RuckingFetard: It's not because it's going to be easier for people to take photos, it's because of the fact that everyone with iOS 4.1 is immediately going to think they're a pro and start flooding the already bad and over-saturated amount of HDR photography on the internet.

Oh god.. Like there wasn't enough bad HDR photography out there already now Jobs has gone and told people that they can all be 'photographers'.

Just got it... and I have now realized that I don't even get enough email for this to be useful.

@joshfee: That just made me realize something.

@dfp3050: *phew* Okay, so I'm not the only one then.

14.6 Million tax payer dollars to make one and couple hundred dollars in explosives... I love this country.

@orbit: Lap time? Hah, they didn't even show anything worth watching in the video.

@BrtStlnd: Don't worry, this video really wasn't worth watching. There was only a couple clips of the Lotus doing some fly bys, a couple seconds in the cockpit showing just the driver and the steering wheel being turned, and then the rest was the people who drove it talking about how amazing it was.

Didn't even know there was a shooting competition last week!

@WarShrike: If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life

1 million? Damn, that's a lot of Budweiser.

I can't believe that my domain www.norcalcrx.org is larger than Youporn.

@Bonhomme7h: My first thought was this. While not exactly the same it seems to share some of the same styling, especially with the reverse lights.

@Dogen: Funny but true. We ask too much of our phones nowadays.

@thequestor: Yup! Started with a StarTAC too. In fact I've still got the sucker along with the extended battery that allowed the phone to remain on ALL day without dying! *gasp*

@dtptampa: Blu-Ray? Is that some sort of physical media? I thought that it was all streamed and downloaded nowadays.